Hero - Eldritch Cultist




Inspiration: Denizen and Mid Boss. Horror themed character for Deadlock. Bloodborne.
Story: Human that's been possessed and distorted by the Mid Boss who's purpose is to create more Denizens across the map and to summon the Mid Boss to take over the Cursed Apple. Gives an explanation why the Denizens are all over the map. This is the character that created the Summoning Circle that summons Mid Boss.

Gun - Shoots Teeth coming out of his Tentacle Hand.
Spirit - (1) Eldritch Bomb, (2) Portal , and (3) Tentacle Grab, (4) The Horror

(1) Eldritch Bomb - Shoots a lingering bomb that can be detonated after clicking (1) again.

(2) Portal - Summons a two way Portal (Entrance and Exit).
  • Portals are color coded for clarity. Plays exactly like Valve's Portal. Portals are a solid color just like the Denizen's Portals.
  • Click (2) once for Entrance. If you jump into the Entrance Portal. You will be temporarily invulnerable like a shorter Pocket's (3) Enchanter's Satchel
  • Click (2) twice for Exit. Only The Cultist can enter the portal.
  • Shoot (1) Eldritch Bomb into (2) Portals for strategical plays.
(3) Tentacle Grab - Close ranged ability like (Seven's (2) Static Charge) that latches on to enemies that slows them down to prevent escapes.
  • Can life steal.

(4) The Horror - Disarms or Silences enemies near The Cultist.
  • The Cultist shows it's true form under the robe and Fears enemies in a close range.
  • Cone shape and range of a Warden's (4) Last Stand
  • Can life steal.

Dash- (Octopus Crawl) This character is slippery. Doesn't move like your traditional Human. Ducks and uses its many tentacles to maneuver.
Slide - Slides on his stomach rather than on his back like most Heroes.
