A Fate’s Tale
Former cult leader and current OSIC agent who specializes in ending cults before they summon things beyond their control, or at worst sealing the horrors back to whence they came. He had most of his memories wiped when the OSIC captured him and was forced into elite training to become a cult deprogrammer.
He uses what remains of his personal understanding of occult rituals to go undercover and take organizations down from the inside, driving followers apart and exposing their leaders. More often he is called in as a one man strike force when the OSIC gains intel on a eldritch summoning ritual. If he does not slay the entire cult during their summoning, an OSIC Deprogrammer usually goes one on one with an eldritch abomination that devoured its cultists.
He has secretly called upon his evil old patron, bargaining with it to seal a pact with the boom of another patron. His mission is to eradicate the cult trying to summon one of two patrons in order to stop the ritual. He has had plans within plans to escape the OSIC if they ever were to strengthen him for a task with the existence of the United States of America at sake.
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