[Hero Concepts] Patron hunting Orangutan sniper.


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As the title suggests the goal of this particular sentient Orangutan is to kill patrons. So it wants to summon the patron then use its power against itself, and attack the patron with anyone else he can get to help him.

This Orangutan is a sniper that picks a place and snipes from it, rather than doing so from the sky like the two existing snipers. I think his passive integrates that in a way that makes it possible for the highly mobile style of Deadlock.

Additionally, the Orangutan has the terribly unique style of being a Melee/Sniper, excelling at both.

Base Stats
570 health
Regen 2
Base speed 6.5
Sprint 0.5
Stamina 3

Base Health +35
Spirit resist +1%
Weapon Damage + 1.5

30 damage *Scales 0.1 with spirit
1.8 shots per second
Bullet velocity 700
Ammo 10
DPS 54

Ability 1. Boiling Mud
Cooldown 20s
Duration 3.5s
Throwing range 50 meters.
Small radius 1.5 meters.
Large radius 6 meters.
Throw a mud bomb that unleashed boiling Mud and splatters a large area. The boiling core does 75dps, scales 1.2 with Spirit.
The large splatter area applies an increasing movement slow, 10% per second to a maximum of 30%. Duration 3.5s
Is thrown with a high arc.
Upgrade 1. Cooldown -8s
Upgrade 2. Damage +50dps. Duration +1.5 to mud and slow.
Upgrade 3. Small and Large radii +1.5 meters. Enemies get -8% bullet and spirit resist if they touch any part of the large radius. Duration 5s.

The purpose of Ability 1. Is to force people out from behind cover with the high damage small radius, and to slow them down to make them more snipable.

Ability 2. Jungle Flurry
Cooldown 25s
Duration 5 seconds
+4 movement speed. You can't shoot your gun for the duration, instead m1 makes 50 base damage melee attacks at light melee speed (parrying doesn't stun these. Like other ability melees.)
Upgrade 1. Cooldown -10s
Upgrade 2. +50% stamina regen and no limit on air jumps and air dashes for the duration.
Upgrade 3. Base damage +30
Melee damage +20% for the duration.

The purpose of Ability 2. Is to provide high movement for escaping or chasing with the melee playstyle incorporated. Mixing in light melee with your swings is a good way to get in more damage if they aren't parrying since they can't stun you if you are performing the basic swings.

Ability 3. Monkey Mobility
Doubles the lean effect to shoot around corners. You cling onto walls if you have your wall jump still. +1 wall jumps. Your melee hitbox is extended +40%.
Upgrade 1. +20% firerate when leaning or wall clinging.
Upgrade 2. You can hang on ledges and lean over them.
Active: jump up to ten meters in any direction and instantly grab/lean from a wall, ledge, or corner next to you. Cooldown 40s
Upgrade 3. Bullets that travel at least 20 meters scale with melee damage, 2% weapon damage for every 1% melee damage.

The purpose of Ability 3 is to provide the sniper gimmick, aside from the high bullet velocity. He can choose a spot where he is mostly covered and shoot from it very well. Also adds a kind of increased mobility and movement type in wall clinging.

Ability 4. Exorcise
Charges. Starts with 2.
Cooldown 20s 9 seconds between charges.
If you have at least 2 charges then 2 charges will be used, doubling the duration.
Duration 2 seconds
When you use a charge you have no damage falloff and all the damage you deal is converted to Spirit damage while someone is rooted by Exorcise.
Your next bullet or melee attack during the duration roots an enemy in place for the duration. The root duration scales with how far away the enemy hero was and your spirit.
Duration .3s, scales 0.008s with spirit. Scales 0.03s per meter distance.
Upgrade 1. +1 charges.
Upgrade 2. Activating with a melee adds 0.4s root duration. The activating attack deals 100 spirit damage, scales 1 with spirit. Doubled if 2 charges are used.
Upgrade 3. +0.3s root duration. If you kill an enemy rooted by Exorcise you gain a charge of Exorcise.

The Purpose of Ability 4. Is to provide a way for the Orangutan to gun people down who are out in the open. The 2 charges used at once system and the balance of it prevents the extra charge item from making this the most annoying ability in the game.