Hero Concept


New member
Just some loss ideas for two hero concepts I think could be fun :)

Name: Something Something.
Type: Shield Bearer/Protector.

Description: The hero has a large tower shield and a close-range pistol.
Instead of zooming when holding the zoom button the hero will hold up the shield and block all incoming damage from the front.
When doing so, it slows the hero. The shield can not block ultima powers and guardian/base defense attacks.

Ability 1: A small drone that hovers around the hero, following him around and attacking anything. Works the same way as McGinnis turrets and counts as a minion.

Ability 2: Shield smash, just a small distance forward and slam the shield at the ground doing AoE and stunning for a short time.

Ability 3: Passive ability, which gives the shield thorn damage that returns damage to the attacker if blocking with the shield.

Ultimate: Protective Shield, gives a protective shield to all allies in an AoE around the player that either returns damage taken, blocks damage, or gives shields or resistance.

Name: Something Something.
Type: Trapper/Hunter

Description: A hero with a two-barrel mid-range gun that can lay traps and get bonuses against enemies that are affected by them.
Don't know if traps should be invisible, hard to see or just there to always see. But it should ofc. be balanced.

Ability 1: Explosive Trap: A trap that explodes for high damage when either troopers/creeps or enemy heroes walk into it.

Ability 2: Net Trap: A trap then only can be activated by enemy heroes, giving small damage and immobilize them for a medium time.

Ability 3: Long Shot: Shot both barrels of the gun at the same time, giving medium damage but do not loss damage at range, it give bonus damage if the target is marked by the ultimate passive ability.

Ultimate: Passive ability, Track: that when a hero gets hit by one of your traps they get marked letting the hunter or all players track them on the minimap for a time.
It also adds slow to all traps for a short time when spring. And if the players/hunter manage to kill a marked enemy/hero within a short time after setting off a trap it gives a small amount of bonus spirit just like Vindictas snipe.

Hope you like the ides, its only loss concepts, and ofc. need work and balance :)