[Hero concept] - Woundㅤㅤㅤ{! Wall of text !}


New member
Disclaimer 1: Unfortunately I’m not english. You can expect lots of mistakes in this text. I tried expressing my view on things as best as I could.

Disclaimer 2: Any number is obviously purely theoretical. Just my personal need for completeness telling me I have to think of them too, even though this is just a concept…

Disclaimer final: Wall of text incoming

> General Idea - Character heavily based on supporting allies; new way of messing up the enemy formation.

—---------------- Lore

In high school, Edison Wound saved a classmate's life from choking by performing a tracheostomy using only stationery he found on the teacher's desk. That moment ignited a passion in him, and he knew his calling was to become a surgeon. Through relentless dedication, he not only mastered surgery but also excelled in every other medical field, becoming a highly qualified doctor.

During his operations, Wound couldn't shake the feeling that things were moving too slowly. He thought to himself, "What if every tool I needed was at my fingertips at all times?" He developed a special artificial arm, equipped with surgical tools, that allowed him to operate faster and more precisely. He then replaced his other arm. Then one of his legs, and then a portion of his chest. With each mechanical addition, his productivity soared, but the operations became increasingly... brutal.

When he decided to replace half of his head with robotic enhancements, many warned of the consequences, but Wound remained undeterred. During his next surgery, the robotic portion took control. It was programmed to cure everyone but lacked the understanding of whom to heal.

Wound, now ostracized from the medical community for mass murder, was incarcerated in a maximum-security facility. Reports indicated he escaped the following week. Some say Wound roams the streets at night, a chilling reminder of his twisted devotion, searching for his next patient to "cure."

—---------------- Flavor text

Spreads contagion through the enemy team

Wound’s knowledge in all kinds of medical cases allows him to play two roles on the battlefield. His robotic side will make enemies unable to advance from suffering, and his human self will save his allies when needed.

—---------------- Stats

DPB: 29.2 MHP: 550
BPS: 2.1 REGEN: 2
DPS: 61.3 (DPB * BPS) BRESIST: 5%

Per level: +1.49 Gun, + 2.7 Melee, +32 HP

—---------------- Visuals

() Design

Wound looks like an old man in his seventies, although his real age is around 85. His short gray hair is a little curly with a bald spot on the back of his head. He wears a medical hat to cover it. During dash jumps, the hat flies off for a second, making it visible. Has a goatee beard with a mustache. Also wears a monocle for his right eye, as his left one is robotized, never blinking and glowing in red. There is also a charging port on the side of his head, as his brain also needs energy to run.

Following down to his chest, there is a stethoscope embedded into his neck. He wears a black turtleneck with a wrapped collar and a simple white medical gown. Under the collar you can briefly see some of Wound’s mechanical body additions. A large medical cross is inaccurately drawn on the gown’s back in red. There are also blood stains at the bottom of it.

The left sleeve of the gown and the turtleneck are torn; we can see the fully robotized arm with a lot of lights switching on and off rapidly, loose screws and different devices installed. Each of his fingers is replaced by a medical instrument, from an ultraviolet light to a syringe injector. There is a small golden chain coming from his waistband into one of his pockets on his pants, what seems to be a pocket watch. When he walks, sounds of creaking steel are heard, coming from his now poorly lubricated mechanisms.

() Gun

Wound has a special contraption under his right sleeve of the gown that launches small syringes forward. When one is gone, a new one slides down into his hand on a conveyor-like rails, stopping amidst his palm. Wound positions his hand aflat, wrist-up and triggers the launch by straightening his index and middle fingers. His gun gains new properties when Ab. 3 is unlocked.

—---------------- Abilities

1: Threadbare Syringe

Wound launches an empty syringe from one of his mechanical fingers on his left hand. It functions like Haze’s 1; attached to his hand with a small chain, it comes back into it when max throw range is reached. The syringe can hit both enemies and allies.
Hitting an enemy: deals scaling spirit damage, applies 25% slow and blindness for 5 seconds. During this effect, the enemy can't see further than 20m.
Hitting an ally: heals HP (also has spirit scaling), speeds up for 20% and gives +1 temporary stamina. Effect lasts for the same 5 seconds. You can’t use Threadbare Syringe on yourself.

Cooldown: 48 seconds

U1: +5m ability range
U2: +1.2 seconds of ability effect, -8 seconds cooldown
U3: When the syringe hits a target, it will clear any status effect the target has. This includes stun, item effects: heroic aura, healing rite… (not sure if it should be able to steal T4 item effects such as unstoppable or shadow weave); bridge buffs, silence, etc. Basically fully resets every effect on a character that's not their base stat. The effects are then stored in the syringe, and the ability recharges instantly. Next time the syringe hits anything, the gathered effects will be applied to the target WITHOUT the initial effects of the ability (blindness&slow for enemies, heal&speed for allies). Missing with the syringe that has effects stored empties it and puts it on normal cooldown.
TL;DR - With U3, Steal active status effects from players and reapply them on new targets.

2: Saving Duty

On use, Wound raises the gown’s bottom and hides behind it, summoning a transparent shield in front of him with a red cross over it. The shield moves with Wound, reducing the damage of bullets coming through the shield by 30%. During this, Wound can’t attack or use any other abilities. He also moves with 45% of his current speed. Enemies coming through the shield will receive low spirit damage, although allies will heal by a moderate amount.

Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 41 seconds

U1: +5% bullet damage reduction, -6 seconds cooldown
U2: +5% bullet damage reduction, +15% movement speed during the ability for each ally that goes through the shield
U3: +5% bullet damage reduction; before raising the shield, also knockback and stun enemies near you for 0.4s.

3: Special treatment (passive)

When unlocked, Wound’s gun will apply a special effect on target hit. Every time you hit an enemy, they will get an infected point. Reaching 12 points, enemies will suffer moderate spirit damage over time. This lasts for 5 seconds and does low damage overall. The points reset if there are no hits delivered from you for longer than 5 seconds.

Active usage: For the next loaded magazine, your bullets will deal no damage to enemies, but will instead heal your teammates if you shoot them. Every shot fired from your gun heals for half the damage the shot normally does. This never scales headshots. When this is active, you can also use your heavy melee once on your ally and heal him for 150% of the melee damage. Using melee heal forces your next reload to be twice as long and instantly puts the ability on cooldown. Reloading during the ability also forces it to end. Stacking 12 infected points on a teammate gives them small healing over time that scales with your spirit power.

Active cooldown: 35 seconds

U1: Infected points persist for 5 more seconds, -5 seconds active cooldown
U2: 12 -> 10 points needed for over time effect to appear
U3: -9 seconds active cooldown, +1.5 seconds to over time effect duration

[ Been thinking that a simple over time damage is a little too bland and overall useless for a character like that. Maybe instead just doing damage at 12 points, it should remove 0.5% maxHP until the enemy dies? Or something like that ]

4: Plague Scalpel

Wound prepares a special scalpel hidden in his mechanical arm’s palm. With range even smaller than Geist’s or M&K’s 4, Wound stabs the target enemy for small spirit damage, applying a Plague effect on them.

The victim becomes the Zero Patient, being able to spread the effect on his allies. Every 10 seconds, if another enemy is standing close to the ZP (around 10-15m), they also get infected. The effect only disappears after the infected player dies. Only the ZP can spread the infection.

Every minute, infected players lose 2% movespeed, 2% of their HP regen, 1% gun unload speed and gain 1.5% vulnerability to both bullet and spirit damage. Effect caps at 15 minutes: -30% speed, -30% regen, -15% gun unload, 22,5% damage vuln.

This ability goes on a 300 second cooldown only after the ZP dies. If they're still alive, the ability stays "used" and does nothing.

U1: +120 damage
U2: Plague effect also lowers max HP by 1% every minute, capped for the same amount of time.
U3: Wound gains 5% cooldown reduction on all his abilities per enemy infected at the moment.