Hero Concept | Watchdog: Robo-Dog


New member
apologies if this seems all over the place, first time making these!
Watchdog (originally Driveby but that sounded meh)

Roaming based character that drives on wheel-feet around the battlefield, looking like a mechanical dog(maybe McGinnis wanted to be a dog-owner without the buying a dog part) with a mounted machine gun on back, gain faster movement speed with the ability to run people over and portable healing stations, become an immobile turret that's able to fire micro missiles and a magnetic pulse of souls while in turret mode. This character’s 4th ability allows them to attach itself onto an Ally, whether be a hero, Walker or even McGinnis Turrets. Whether as a mobile turret, a wandering helpful pal or a lethal area controlling predator, boost Watchdog and your team to victory to claim your right for a reward

Ability 1A: Turbocharge(Cooldown: 30)
Watchdog gains increased movement speed with reduced turning radius, being able to ram into enemies for spirit damage. Watchdog can still fire and cast abilities during this ability.
Ability 1B: Micro-Barrage(Cooldown: 30)
Watchdog fires 4 waves of 3 micro missiles at a target location over 2 seconds automatically, dealing spirit damage.
1AP Upgrade: -10 second cooldown
2AP Upgrade: Enemies hit take +75 spirit damage and stuns for 0.5 seconds when hit by Turbocharge
5AP Upgrade: Faster movement speed bonus and can “bunny-hop” to stack more momentum

Ability 2A: P.H.S(Cooldown: 35)
Watchdog deploys a healing beacon that can be shot at and destroyed, it lasts for 30 seconds and sends out pulses of healing to nearby allies every 6 seconds, reduced in effectiveness for NPCs.
Ability 2B: Magnet Bubble(Cooldown: 45)
Watchdog fires a non-damaging ball that decelerates as it’s traveling, slowly pulling enemies and allies into the ball for the next 3 seconds.
1AP Upgrade: +1 charge and +6m range
2AP Upgrade: +100% heal pulse fire rate
5AP Upgrade: Allies healed restore 2.5% of their total health every second for the next 3 seconds

Ability 3: Turret Standee(Cooldown: 20)
Watchdog reconfigures itself by bunkering down to become a stationary turret, gaining a Bullet Shield and changes it’s weapon to becoming a high-damaging minigun that has slightly slower firing speed but better bullet velocity(think Retro Gatling from PvZ:GW), can be canceled by pressing ‘SPACE’(default settings)
1AP Upgrade: Micro-Barrage slows targets hit by 25% for 2 seconds, Magnet Bubble travels faster and lowers enemies Bullet Resist while affected
2AP Upgrade: Increased DPS, +25% Reload Speed
5AP Upgrade: +200 Bullet Shield, +50% Cooldown Reduction

Ability 4: Metallic Companionship(Cooldown: 90)
Watchdog magnetizes itself towards an allied Hero, Walker or Minion for the next 20 seconds, granting both Watchdog and the Hero attached increased reload speed and firing speed. Watchdog can use any ability while attached, but Watchdog can also be individually shot at while attached and after enough damage, will drop off from its ally and become stunned.
1AP Upgrade: -30 second cooldown
2AP Upgrade: +2ms, +10% Bullet Lifesteal to Ally
5AP Upgrade: Can no longer detach after taking certain amount of damage, +100% longer duration

Heroes to pair up with? Mo & Krill can become a triple destructive force by having Watchdog attach to them even underground, McGinnis’ turrets, minigun and her missiles would love the extra healing and firepower of her “support” dog, Ivy and Watchdog could become the ultimate pair to boost someone like Haze with, Vindicta can give the turret form some deadly new positions to rain hell upon and every hero would appreciate a dog throwing out a healing beacon or two in their lane(even Jacob Lash)
i can see the attaching animation being a headache for implementation (would be cool tho). Might even be able to block headshots this way.
i can see the attaching animation being a headache for implementation (would be cool tho). Might even be able to block headshots this way.
honestly i think being a headshot blocker would be so funny, but its probably better if it would mount onto heroes right shoulder since i know with mo&krill/calico(i think her name?) they already have things on their left shoulder and it shouldnt be super distracting?? imo i think