Hero concept: The Shape


The Shape

If you ever where told by your parents to not go into dark alleyways at night and not to trust
Shades standing there, beckoning you as if they have something to tell, then maybe they where warning you about
the Shape. no one knows what it is or where it came from, but ever since it started lurking around at night
shortly after the incident at central park, more and more people suddenly started to vanish, leaving only
some black tar or bile like traces in dark alleys. Even if shades have helped you escape before, who knows
when that one shade will be the last one you will see.


The Shape has a unique model where it looks like the shades in dead ends from a distance and if anyone comes close its
form will slightly change.

Primary attack: Shoots Dark bolts of tar that has minor splash damage. Bolts have heavy damage but very slow fire rate
and reload speed. Splash is 50% of the damage at a 5 meter radius.

Secondary attack: Zoom in.


1st Ability: Place "self"

Cast range: 5 meters
Sight range: 20 meters
Charge(s): 1 sec
Charge CD: 2 sec
CD: 40 sec
Duration: 60 sec ( scales with spirit)

Standing still for 2 seconds will turn you into a random dead end shade and make your health bar
invisible. if you stand near an existing dead end shade, temporarily remove it while standing there to take its place. while in this state being shot or having abilites used on you will cause no hit effect or sound making them unable to see if its actually you, exception being displacement abilites like Bepops hook.

( you still take damage even if it isn't shown)

The Shape places a shade that will stand and look in the direction you choose.
if an enemy crosses its sight line, the shade will then lunge at the enemy
dealing X spirit damage (scales with spirit) dragging them with it.

if a shade is dragging an enemy and it crosses a sight line of another shade, it will stop and let the
other one take over.

Shade path.png

(use mouse wheel to turn it before placing)
(shades can be dodge if atleast 10 meters away and dashing at the sight line)
(the drag is not a stun so you can shoot, but it prevents movement skills and items)

15 sec duration.
2: charges 2+.
5: apply -50% healing reduction for 5 sec.

|| If you see a shade standing at an unusual spot, stay weary and far away ||


2nd Ability: Dark bile

Fill radius: 20 meters
Charge(s): 1
Charge CD: 15 sec
CD: 60 sec
Duration: 10 seconds/ 60 seconds for Dead end spots.

Fill the ground with black bile making enemies take 3% current HP damage per second while standing on it,
while also draining 0.1 stamina per second ( scales with spirit). Enemies can dash just fine inside the bile, but
using a movement ability like wraith teleport or Ivy flight will have hands come out of the bile and drag them down. this will put the interrupted skill on a 3 sec CD, this effect has no CD.

The duration is increased if it touches a dead end entrance.

this bile can go down stairs but not up stairs.
Bile 1.pngBile 3.png

1% slow per 1% missing HP while on the bile.
2: Execute enemies at 10% HP.
5: Shape gains 30% Move speed on the bile.

|| Is it bile? Is it tar? It is hard to tell.. but it feels like it will eat you up.. ||


3rd Ability: Isolation

Width: 10 meters
Cast range: 15
Idle duration: 60 sec (scales with spirit)
Active duration: 7 sec
CD: 20 sec

Place a trap on the floor that when crossed over by an enemy will trigger it, erecting a black
wall behind them that has 50% (scales with spirit) of Shape's HP and lasts for a 7 sec duration.

If a Shade from the 1st ability drags you into a erected wall get stunned for 1 sec.
Shape can instantly break open the wall with a heavy melee.

(the trap will have a black line on the ground to show where it is)
(troopers do not trigger this wall)

20% Bullet and Spirit damage return on hit.
2: Applies fear for 0.5 sec when activating it. (makes you move away from the source while being stunned)
5: Make the black line be stealthed if enemies are 5 meters away.

|| I was told to always look for black lines or cracks when about to enter tight spaces..||


4th Ability: It lurks...

Charge(s): 1
Charge CD: 10 sec
CD: 120 sec
Cast range: 10 meters
Grab range: 5 meters
Idle Duration: 60 sec
Active duration: 5 sec

Place a Lurker either on the ground or within crates/gold statues.
if an enemy gets within its area and its vision is not blocked by walls, the lurker
will grab the enemy hero and swallow them and deal X% Max HP damage over time.

While heroes are swallowed they cannot do anything and they cannot take damage from enemies.
Enemy heroes can shoot the lurker to kill it when its doing nothing or digesting an ally.

Lurker has 60% (scales with spirit) Shape's HP.

If the lurker is put in a crate/gold statue it can be revealed if you shoot at them outside its grab range.

Charge 1+.
2: Active Duration: 2 sec.
5: CD -40 sec.

|| I have seen this thing once before, and that was when it jumped out and devoured a stranger in front of me ||


Thank you for reading! feel free to add feedback.
Please check out my other heroes!

Goran the Gambler:
Revenant the lost soldier:
Grom and the gang:


  • Bile 2.png
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Cool concept! cool lore too, I do however think that dark bile is a bit overtuned, while isolation is undertuned. I think a neat way to make dark bile more fun would be to remove the dash disable and stamina depletion, and instead fuse them into 1 , so that if enemies dash while in dark bile they can, but the stamina cost is doubled, and if they dont have extra stamina they instead get a 20% slow, meanwhile movement abilites used in dark bile doubles their CD.
As for Isolation, you could have the ability create a sort of an open box shape instead (as depicted below), to limit the enemies' movement even further, AND you could have them count as dead end entrances, that way theyd synergize even better with the rest of their kitIsolaton.png
i guess my wording was alittle weird, but dash does not get disabled just mobility skills. il fix that. hmm i think the Isolation being a box could work if it was not placed in a doorway, so it would serve 2 purposes, or even better press the middle mouse button to choose wide wall or box shaped wall. just gotta think on how id want to do it.