Hero Concept: The Rocketeer


Active member
This is just a hero concept that was brewing in my free thinking time for a bit.The-Rocketeer-1738893988.png

Some extra notes about his gun, he sports a very low bullet velocity (only 110m/s), the longest reload time with Mcginnis (3.29s) and the Longest falloff range with Vindicta (20m-64m).

A secondary note I forgot to add to the image: Like Vyper he always starts with his first skill as his Jetpack.
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I LOVE the second ability! Unique flying mechanic that interacts well with the gun!

I don't think the disoriented movement in the 1 is a good design space. Probably movement slow is better. Could be too annoying unnecessarily.
I LOVE the second ability! Unique flying mechanic that interacts well with the gun!

I don't think the disoriented movement in the 1 is a good design space. Probably movement slow is better. Could be too annoying unnecessarily.
I imagined the "disoriented" effect to be a standard "invert controls for a second" style confusion effect that is common in action games.

Also, I wanted something other than a slow due to just how common slows are and he already has knockback on his 3.

Thanks for the feedback!
Oh I just noticed the bullet velocity. I think that would be an issue because the rest of his kit says to play at range. It should probably be pretty high i would think.
Even though his primary fire deals damage in an area?

Hmmm... That's a pretty good point. He won't be effective at a distance if he can't stay at a distance to secure souls. I'll raise his bullet velocity to closer to average.

Also, IDK if you noticed, but he has the lowest base Movement speed in game, with only 2 stamina. This is supposed to make it hard for him to get away if people can overcome his Backblast or just burst him down before he can respond. I'm thinking Majestic Leap and Superior Stamina will likely be staples for his builds due to the fact that he can't move upward while flying (The "raise elevation" key is normally set to the dash button, so I just kind of worked the idea in that he can't fly higher, though I might make his air dashes go toward the reticle if he faces upward. . . ).

Edit to add:
Some ideas for voice lines for him:

When Facing Lash: I hate that asshole. He's always trying to knock me outta the sky.
When hit by a Knockdown: Seriously? An anvil?
When he hits a generic bounce pad: Let's take to the skies.
Generic Kill line: Sorry. The sky called to me, but not for you.
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This is a sick character ngl. They might be difficult to fight, but the movement you could get from this could be really fun.
Maybe instead of Mystic Mortar (which works fine), he could get an ability that works better if he's in the air? Like a rocket that does more damage the further it travels. Or maybe something that makes the character more supportive? Rescue Beam could pair really well on a character like this.
Wrecker's Ult current works like that, where it does more damage the longer it travels. I tried to avoid that (though that was definitely on my mind) given how his ult already has that effect. Admittedly, I don't feel like Wrecker's ult fits his kit super well right now so if this character did get implemented, that would probably be better on the Mystic Mortar.
Steampunk's non-physics contraptions need a fourth wall nod or leave a cynical impression (like one's trapped in pre-technology land) - Give Brendan Frasier magic Diablo3's-7-sided-strike gloves for the ultimate?
I have updated the Rocketeer a bit. After doing some quick math, I realized the blast radius on his Mystic Mortars combine with his Heavy Artillery would get... excessively high and large (It would hit something like a 28m radius without any range increases if he consumed all 4 charges at once. Improved Reach would have made it something around 40m, which is basically the entire size of the base. Too big, especially with a Refresher as a possibility).

The blast radius scaling was reduced from his 5 point talent, additional notes were added regarding his gun, and the bonus radius scaling was reduced on Heavy Artillery. I still might add bonus damage for higher travel time onto his Mortars, but I'm not sure it's something I think he should have yet.
I don't see the problem with a 28 meter radius on an attack that doesn't do a ton of damage using both and ability and an ult.
It would also deal around 1k damage in that same radius. Instantly.

Seven's Storm can deal more than that, but it requires him to channel it in a vulnerable spot. The Rocketeer would, theoretically, be able to launch one of those Mortars from outside the base and wipe out the entire enemy team in about 4 seconds (or bring them to around 20% HP or lower in almost all cases).

To be fair, those numbers were done assuming only about 100 Spirit, which is something that players can definitely achieve on a single ability within 25-28 minutes (Surge of Power (on Mortar), Refresher, Improved Reach, Mystic Shot, and Hollow point ward combined would put him at 82 or 84 and that's only like, 15k souls. And doesn't even have Improved/Boundless Spirit)

I think the amount of burst would be too high given the area, but I could be wrong.
Backblast into Jet Pack is real game. Make the character a shoulder-hopping thief of giants. And LoL's Vi's dashes from a 'cloud' one Ekko-ishly resets to & launches from/at again after each connection would work. Feels like a toe-trod on Pocket with all mobility and even less defense. There's also 'simple' landmines or enough extra theming for a turret
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I'm bumping the hero concept here because, with the new more vertical map, I think this hero would actually fit even better into Deadlock.
Similarly I think a lot of my characters actually work better with the current map, even if I already loved them. The Jellyfish character, the archaologist, the questing Knight, all come to mind.