[Hero Concept] Temperance, Access targets and set up team fights. (Artwork)


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Accesses targets and set up team fights. Temperance is a supportive presence that gives her team access to targets beyond walls while setting up team fights with abilities that amplify damage and stun.

Gun: Temperance fires a volley of shooting stars from her rod, with a low fire rate, slow bullet velocity, and a shotgun-like spread. Temperance drinks from her cup while reloading.

Hitbox: Temperance has a massive pentacle that floats just behind her head, blocking headshots from behind, and only receiving 25% of the damage taken on the pentacle itself.


1. Sword of Truth: Channel for 1.5 seconds, materializing a sword in front of Temperance while granting X-Ray vision in a large cone, before being able to reactivate to fire the sword, piercing up to two targets, and if hitting two targets stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Walls count as an acceptable target, as do any kind of targetable enemy (including neutral monsters). You may cast other spells while channeling Sword of Truth but may not attack. Channel fades over 3 seconds.

2. Wand of Passage: Projects a giant wave of mystic energy that creates a passage through walls that it comes in contact with for 15 seconds, as well as causing 10% damage Vulnerability to any enemy target that it contacts for 5 seconds. (Passable walls can be fired through, but still count as a target for Sword of Truth)

3. Pentacle of Fortune (Passive): Allies in a large area around Temperance gain bonus Health Regeneration and gain passive Soul generation

4. Cup of Plenty: After a 1.5 second delay, release a massive nova around Temperance that, when contacting enemy heroes, damages them and projects a Blood Double of that enemy a very short distance away from them relative to Temperance’s casting location. These Blood Doubles possess 30% of that hero’s health, and harming the double also damages the hero. (This damage is reduced by resistances.) (Blood Doubles are red colored dummies of the hero themselves. They are fixed in space.)

Design Notes

When it comes to mystics, fortune tellers, etc, the design space can get crowded really quickly, with too many overflowing ideas, and not juliet caps and pentagrams to go around. This is a character inspired by the four suits of the Tarot mythos, and the third character in my series of designs named after a Major Arcana. I considered naming her World, but that was weird, and I considered naming her Atlas, and giving her a backstory where she's a Professor X-type character, recruiting all of these people into a noble order of heroes named after the Major Arcana. Ultimately, she felt like a Temperance, and although she embodies the Tarot, I decided to give her what seems like a more humble place within the Arcana, which revolves around balance and harmony.

As far as gameplay concepts, the idea I was originally playing around with is an ultimate that creates a massive sphere that opens up structures and makes enemies within vulnerable, but after seeing this concept (Witch Doctor with a gun and Capri Sun) by pesquerart, I switched up my design goals because I feel that pesquerart's Blood Spear idea, which I've incorporated into Sword of Truth, is such a quintessentially brilliant idea, that whatever I was thinking up just couldn't compare. I managed to work the idea in thematically in a way that I feel fits quite well, and I think the ability has particularly interesting synergy with Cup of Plenty.

Pentacle of Fortune is the last ability I included. As I was waking up from a dream, I was thinking of this character's kit and thought, "Yes--that's the perfect ability to include," then I thought, "and then if Cup of Plenty is the ultimate, this is perfect," and by the time I finished that thought, I forgot what the perfect ability was. So we may never know what could have been; but I settled on this passive aura because I feel that the kit is already loaded quite full, and I want to avoid adding an additional ability that requires a particular kind of targeting. I could have included a single target boon for an ally.... I could have included a grenade type ability.... Ultimately I settled on this passive aura because I think it fits thematically, and also because it loosens up her kit so that she's not too focused around being a ganker or hero killer. Instead, it makes her more of a support and a baby sitter, and incentivizes her to constantly play around her team.

Upgrades for Pentacle of Fortune might include... Increases the rate which allies' Cooldowns are refreshed... Spirit Resist... and an obvious include would be, increase the amount of Souls generated passively, so that it scales more into the late game.

- Her passive pentacle behind her might not be as practical as you'd think, as most enemies will never gank you straight from behind.
They are more likely to flank you from the sides, though I like the spirit of the abilty, maybe it'd better fit a melee hero if it was in front of your
head instead of behind.

- Her 1 is too perfect, as it does everything it needs to do by itself,
you can give another ability the power to scan or reveal things, scroll to see my suggestion.
- Her 2 is perfect
- Her 3 is underwhelming
- Her 4 is great.
Very cool and original overall, I checked out Your other Heroes and they seemed good but too simple for my taste
This is clearly Your best Hero, though her 3 is very underwhelming; here is my suggestion.

3- Pentacle of Fortune - Toggle/Switch
As the incarnation of temperance she can regulate and bend her emotions at will, changing her destiny.
Temperance can press "3" to switch between 5 different weapons in this order:
(They activate with the first left click in her magazine and remain active until the full magazine is consumed)

- Joy
Her Attacks will heal Allies they pass through.
Lasts the entire current magazine.

- Fear
Her Attacks spread is widened by 120% and apply 40% slow to Enemies hit for 1 second.
Active only in the LATTER HALF of her magazine.
The first half is only regular attacks and is required to activate the latter.

- Curiosity
Her Attacks will explode upon contact with a wall into a cone behind it,
revealing any enemy struck beyond the wall for 3 seconds.
Active in the FIRST HALF of her magazine. (the latter magazine being regular attacks)

- Love
Her Attacks consume 3 Ammo and will spawn a tiny Spirit Wall at the mid point of their range, absorbing 40% incoming Damage.
Each Spirit Wall lasts 2 seconds.
The Spirit Walls will trigger her "1" ability

- Wrath
Her next attack has double range, consumes the ENTIRE magazine and deals bonus Spirit Damage.

!!! This ability cannot be upgraded, instead her other 2 abilities and Ultimate have an extra Upgrade level.
The Upgrade cost of her other abilities/ultimate being: 1, 2, 4, 5
(adding up to 9 extra points cost across all skills, exactly enough to compensate for her lack of upgrades on her "3" ability)

I might have gone too far hehe, but I hope you can at least pick and choose what you prefer of the 5 emotions and adapt the ideas in a new "3" ability of your choice.

PS: I think Empress might be your second best Hero, I might add a reply there too later, so be on the lookout!
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