[Hero Concept] Rookie, the Baseball Whiz Kid


New member
Biography: The introduction of magic and otherworldly forces to the world changed a lot of things, and America's favorite pastime was no exception. From enchanted bats to sentient baseballs, no two games were ever the same. Jimmy Mitts wanted to be in the Major Leagues since the day he first picked up his namesake. But no matter how faster he ran, how accurately he threw, or how many neighbors' windows he broke after a home run, there were always a few kids better than him. Kids who had been dabbling in the arcane arts, putting weird stuff in their bodies, and coming to practice with a new bat that somehow didn't cast a shadow. If Jimmy wanted to make it big, maybe he'd have to do the same.

Weapon: A modified Remington Eliot Derringer, 12 shots per magazine.

1. Batter Up

- Rookie throws a baseball up in front of him and then swiftly hits it at a target point (ball travels in an arc). On impact it explodes in a small AoE. If it directly hits a player, it does additional damage.
1 AP: Increased AoE and Damage
2 AP: Direct Impact Stuns for 0.5s
5 AP: 2 Additional Baseballs hit at the same time (15 degrees left/right of main ball)

2. Concession Stand
- Rookie conjures a concession stand to give out some free peanuts and hot dogs to his team. Allies within an AoE are healed over time and have a % chance to not deplete a bullet when firing their weapon.
1 AP: Increased duration
2 AP: Increased healing / % chance to not deplete ammo
5 AP: Concession Stand can be used as a shop

3. Steal Home
- Rookie takes off in a straight line with rapid speed and slides like his career, life, and soul depend on it. Decreased turn rate during this slide, but increased speed gain from going down a slope and decreased speed loss from going up a slope. Sliding into an enemy damages and slows them. If Rookie is sliding fast enough, he'll get a little wind particle effect behind him that indicates sliding into an enemy will also briefly knock them down.
1 AP: +1 Charge
2 AP: Increased Damage/ slow %
5 AP: Increased Speed and turn rate of slide

4. Catch This!
- Rookie pulls out his trusty mitt and goes into a Catcher stance. Any projectile (bullet or ability) that hits near the front of him will be caught in the mitt, having no effect. After 2s (or earlier if Rookie ends the ability early), all caught projectiles will be combined into a single ball that Rookie throws in any direction, exploding and dealing a portion of the combined damage and status effects to enemies it hits
1 AP: +1s Catch Time
2 AP: Increased damage of returned projectile
5 AP: Decreased cooldown