[Hero Concept] Rivett- The Iron Worker


New member

Concept is a 1920s unionized metalworker who builds skyscrapers.
His theme involves using the zipline/heights to his advantage as well as buffing teammates. Design is intended to be very new player friendly.
Weapon: Rivet gun - Fires medium sized rivets high damage per shot with a fairly low fire rate.

Ability 1: Red Hot Rivets
Enhances main weapon by heating the rivets up to be red hot.

Animation: Tip of the gun glows red when charged and is not red if no charges available. Glowing rivets stick during duration

Bonus damage: 10+10 burn over 2 seconds
Charges: 3 and automatically builds one charge every 4 seconds. Uses one charge per shot automatically

Ability Point Upgrades:
Build Up!:
+1 Charge
White Hot: +10 damage and 10 burn damage
Overtime: Build time every 1 second

Ability 2: Skywalk
Jumps and hangs from the zipline line for a duration regenerating some life.
Note: Can shoot and use abilities while hanging as well as move along zipline using W and S

Duration: 7s
Cooldown: 39s
Regeneration rate: 28/s

Ability Point Upgrades:
Tight Rope:
Restore all stamina and reloads weapon on dismount
Lunch Break: Increase movement +4m/s
Acrophobia: -20s cooldown

Ability 3: Bag of Wrenches
Rivett tosses a bag of wrenches that explode throwing tools all over dealing damage and has an area disarm
Note: Bag has higher range and deals increased damage if tossed from higher heights.

Disarm duration: 2.5s + up to 1 second depending on height dropped
Range: 15m
Radius: 5m
Cooldown: 40s.
Damage: 40 + up to 20 depending on height dropped

Ability Point Upgrades:
-15s Cooldown
Full Bag: +3m radius
No Hardhat?: Removes all stamina on hit and restores allies stamina in radius

Ultimate: Unionized Labour
Rivett empowers himself and all teammates for a short duration
Note: All allies get the buff for the duration regardless of location on the map

Increased souls gained by 100%
Increased bullet and spirit resistance by 25%
Increase movement by 2m/s
If dead or dies during duration reduce revive time by 30s
Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 100s

Ability Point Upgrades:
Collective Bargaining:
+2 seconds duration
Contract Renewed: -30s cooldown
Go On Strike: Plus 25% bullet and spirit damage for all allies

Images are for reference to design or build a model from

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zipline synergy is very interesting, cool idea. been imagining a character in similar theme but as an old sanitation worker with a mop.
Было бы очень круто иметь героя, похожего на человека-паука. Такой герой бы добавил классную вертикальность. Типа скакать от стены к стене. Идея интересная с 1 скилом, остальные ну не знаю. Концепция интересная, но требует доработки.
It would be really cool to have a hero like Spiderman. Such a hero would add a cool verticality. Like jumping from wall to wall. The idea is interesting with 1 skill, the rest I don't know. The concept is interesting, but requires some improvement.
zipline synergy is very interesting, cool idea. been imagining a character in similar theme but as an old sanitation worker with a mop.
I think the verticality of the game is what is going to separate it from a lot of other MOBAs. I think the devs should use it as much as they can within reason.
Something like this? This is a quick sketch I made late night, sorry if it doesn't fit the description


  • dwarf-concept.png
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Без имени-11.png
Had a similar idea as yours a while ago, dut didnt finish it, so i post it here too to +up the concept of this type of hero.
main weapon - nail gun, shotting rate is mid something like a grey talon but a bit faster.

1. Toss his air tank, causes melee dmg, shoting it releases the air from the tank greatly accelerates it in a direction of your shot, and pin the enemy in that direction, kind of like abrams charge.
Additional idea: shooting it make the tank explode dealing aor damage.

3. Build a Zipline, works kind of like Kelvins path, but only on a zipline level. if the zipline forks from the main zipline, the life duration of it greatly increases, you can change direction to the forked zipline from the main with directional buttons.


2 or 4. Construction site hazard: marks an aira, enemies inside it get additional damage from all sources. Disables enemies ziplines, enables friendly ziplines. (if zipline was red - now it becomes friendly, and vise versa for enemies. also). Can instantly jump on it and akes if stun resistant for a short duration.

So idea of the character is kind of like McGinnis but in a different way, couldnt say its antithesis but deffenetly does things in an opposite ways, McGinnis relies on her turrets to splitpush, this guy relies on fast treversing my ziplines, Also denies areas not by passive turrets and walls, but marking the area which for your personal play. Ik the idea is very raw, but thats kind of a blueprint. He deffenetly comes from the idea of manipulatin ziplines first, everything else comes after. But the kit seem kind of incomplete and not coherent enough for me.