Hero Concept: Mulligan

* = Scales with Spirit
^= Scales with Bullet

Mulligan: "Ensures survival, by any means necessary.”

"Mulligan is a card shark who knows how to play his foes to perfection. Using his shades and bag of tricks, he hinders his foes at every step. He knocks them away and restricts their movement, putting an end to lengthy chases. He counters their most powerful spells with a well-timed shield. Finally, once they think they have him beat, he pulls his last trick and rises from the grave to see his foes off one last time. If they want to put a stop to Mulligan they better bring an arsenal.”

A 3 round burst of knives, reloading triggers a small explosion that deals 9x bullet damage

(^4 Bullet Damage) (4.8 Shots per second) (58 dps^) (27 base ammo)

(530 Health) (2 health Regen) (6m/s move speed) (1m/s sprint speed) (2 Stamina)

Card Trick: Throws a shade that explodes on impact, dealing heavy knockback and silencing the victim’s movement based abilities.

(16s cooldown) (80* Spirit damage) (4m explosion radius) (4s Silence duration)

[Lv1] +60 spirit damage on direct hits

[Lv2] Improved spirit scaling, deals up to 100* bonus spirit damage based on distance travelled

[Lv3] The shade no longer explodes on enemy impact. Shade now drags enemy heroes along its flight path, applying a 1s stun on impact

Entrapment: Chain the target within a confined area, if the target leaves the radius, the chain will snap arming an explosion that will damage and stun the target and others nearby after a delay.

(30s Cooldown) (150* Spirit Damage) (6s Chain duration) (8m Break distance) (3s stun duration) (2s explosion delay) (4m explosion radius)

[Lv1] -2m break distance

[Lv2] -6s cooldown

[Lv3] Arms explosion if the chain is purged.

Mirror Shield: Cast a shield around yourself or an ally that grants immunity to stun, root and sleep. The shield will also reflect any incoming projectile/targeted spells back at the attacker. Has no effect against passive or aoe spells. (Ex, reflects binding word, sleep dagger, Telekinesis, etc. Does not reflect ground slam, kudzu, hyperbeam or shoulder charge but will still block associated stuns etc.)

(26s Cooldown) (4s duration) (18m cast range)

[Lv1] +1s duration, -6s cooldown

[Lv2] +1s duration, reduces all incoming damage by 15% after resistances.

[Lv3] +2s duration, purges debuffs on cast, grants +10 regen for the duration

Ultimate: Bad Deal: Passive: Your bullets slowly build ire. When full, all allies gain 100% lifesteal against the target for 5s and the target’s healing is reduced by 30%. Passive is disabled when active is toggled on.

Active: The active can be toggled on and off at will. Upon death if toggled on, you are resurrected at 50% health after a delay, applying fear to nearby enemies, locking out their control and causing them to flee from your location.

(220s Active Cooldown) (100% Lifesteal) (30% healing reduction) (5s Ire duration) (3s Fear duration) (6m fear radius) (4s resurrection delay)

[Lv1] +20% healing reduction, +2m Fear radius

[Lv2] Enables full movement when resurrecting. Explosion applies max ire to all nearby foes.

[Lv3] Resurrect at 100% HP. Grants 100% bullet and spirit resist that decays over 5s.