[Hero Concept] Lover, a RED MAGE Carmen Sandiego (artwork)


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Google Sheet - Lover

Story: Lover’s journeys through time has brought her in proximity of an alternate dimension version of herself, now known as Zolda, the Devoted of Ghennamon. Zolda’s burning fire inspired and brought Lover to tears; her anger, her hate, her pain, were all inviolate. But Lover had journeyed to the end of her days, and saw what would become of Zolda, and has since made it her mission to compel Zolda to turn away from wrath and to turn towards forgiveness. This is not a task that Zolda has taken kindly to, or seemingly been able to understand, as Lover does. In this quest to change the course of Zolda’s life, Lover has sought out many powerful artifacts, some which have exacted a toll on her body or soul, either by the nature of their use, or in the pursuit of their discovery.

Lover is a woman who has gone by many names. Bianca Lafayette. LeBlanc Monte Cristo. Carmine Santiago. Boudicca Franc. Celeste Lua Silveira. Serafina Justa. Each was a disguise to cover for her real-world goals–the procurement of recondite and powerful artifacts. She has accomplished this goal in a variety of ways, traveling across the world and to other dimensions, exploring ancient ruins and stealing from high-security museums and even gods. From these expeditions, she has amassed a wide variety of relics. While procuring the Book of Color, Lover lost an arm and a leg, to be replaced prosthetically, and with the best technology that the contemporary age could provide. For stealing the Estoc of Confidence, she had duplicated her soul, and the copy was shared with the souls of many others, for better or worse. For reading the Scroll of Djinn she had shared her soul with a Djinn, battled and outwit it to regain her sanity. For taking the Isatz Eye, Lover lost her eyes, but gained a world of sight and faith.

Lover came to The Arcana out of respect for its leader, Temperance, and joined their order enthusiastically, adopting the title, Lover, with a promise to always make it her goal to return her good spirit, whenever she should stray in her thoughts or give in to hate or malice, as she has been wont to do.

Lover’s names:

Bianca Lafayette
LeBlanc Monte Cristo
Carmine Santiago
Boudicca Franc
Celeste Lua Silveira
Serafina Justa

Note: Carmine Santiago likely falls under copyright protections, in the utilization of name and image; although the image of the character can be argued to imitate a red mage, from Final Fantasy, just as much, if not more, and some combination of elements may need to be scrapped from this design for legal coherency, such as having a white feather in the cap, or being of the name Carmine Santiago. In other events, the identity of this character is not entirely rooted in the color red, but may just as easily don any other color of attire at her sartorial desire.

Gun: Lover carries a Mauser C96 pistol in her left hand, fired with Mouse1.

1. The Scroll of Djinn: Lover gains possession of the Artifact, The Scroll of Djinn, upon learning this ability. Lover may drop the Scroll of Djinn by activating this ability, or by pressing [Artifact Button: new button, a button which interacts only with Artifacts, for which only one can be carried by any hero at any given time; artifacts are acquired by standing within proximity of them for a duration, and relinquished by pressing the [artifact button]]. Enemies who possess The Scroll of Djinn take 10% of their maximum health in spirit damage every second. The Scroll of Djinn carries with it thirteen total wishes, the conditions for which may only be fulfilled once before that wish can no longer apply. Those wishes are as follows:

  • Mercy - Revive this hero 5 seconds after they die at the location of their death.
  • Judgement - Scoring a final blow against an enemy hero grants 3x time souls in reward.
  • Wrath - Scoring a double kill increases damage amplification by 7% permanently.
  • Triumph - Scoring the final kill of a team wipe grants 9,000 souls.
  • Doom - Scoring a triple kill increases the death timer of those three enemies by 30 seconds.
  • Domain - Scoring a final blow against a Guardian grants a permanent +10% damage to enemy creeps and neutral monsters.
  • Artemis - Scoring a final blow against a Walker grants 15% bonus Bullet Damage permanently.
  • Keep - Collecting the Rejuvenator grants 34 Spirit permanently. (prone to change)
  • Consecrate - Destroying a Shrine grants a permanent 350 Bullet Shield and 350 Spirit Shield.
  • Duty - Scoring a final blow against 10 Ancients grants a permanent 15% Bullet and Spirit Resist.
  • Marathon - Turning in a Soul Urn grants +1 Speed.
  • Greed - Spending at least 6,300 on a single item reduces cooldowns by 7%.

[Rank 1] Allies who possess The Scroll of Djinn gain 10% extra Souls from all sources.
[Rank 2] Allies who possess The Scroll of Djinn gain 20% extra Souls from all sources.
[Rank 3] Allies who possess The Scroll of Djinn gain 30% extra Souls from all sources.

2. Book of Color: Starts displaying 6 spells in a queue, where only one option in the queue is visible at any given time. This queue cycles through for the duration of the spell in the same order, but for every cast the order of these spells is randomized.

This appears visually in Lover’s right hand, as she relinquishes her Estoc (while channeling Book of Color, Lover can not make a melee attack) in favor of an open Book of Color, from which all six spells can be seen, delineated by one of six colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red; as well, a graphic is displayed on the left-hand side of the player’s screen near Lover’s health bar. This scroll of spells slows down over 3 seconds, when it reaches its final speed, then lasts for up to 12 seconds after.

Reactivating Book of Color, or pressing Mouse2, will select the spell presently appearing in the scroll. Each spell has a passive effect, and an active effect which can be activated by either reactivating Book of Color, or pressing Mouse2. You can not have two spells present at a single time. If one spell effect would take place, instead it overrides the previous spell effect. These spells have an effect that lasts for 10 seconds, which is the reactivation window in which their active effect may be invoked. The spells are as follows:

Purple - Reliquary of Karma: Lover gains a 35% Damage Return status that copies a portion of damage received by enemy heroes in the range of a very large area around Lover, returning that damage onto the offending enemy in spirit damage. When activated, Lover collects all Soul Orbs in the same very large area around her.

Blue - Hail of Sleet: Enemy heroes in a long cone in front of Lover have fast moving sleet striking towards their location periodically (tilted towards Lover), damaging enemy heroes hit and slowing them by 25%. Activating Hail of Sleet causes all enemies slowed this way to become immobilized for 1.5 seconds.

Green - Kiss of the Dryad: Grants Lover health regeneration. Throw a StoneSeed projectile a long distance that can hit an enemy hero, which gains Onset Petrification. Onset Petrification lasts for 3 seconds, granting the target ~35% damage resistance per second, while reducing ~35% of their movement speed [from max]. At the Petrification Point–which is at exactly 3 seconds after Onset Petrification– the target becomes Petrified, and loses their ability to act, is no longer affected by positive or negative buffs/debuffs, has all status effects suspended and takes no damage or gains or loses no health for the next 3 seconds. Petrification scales with duration.

Yellow - Golden Covenant: Lover gains 25% damage resistance from all sources. Activating Golden Seal damages all enemy heroes in a large area around Lover and heals her for the same amount.

Orange - Fury of the Saber Cat: Lover gains 20% increased movement speed. Activate to gain unstoppable and leap in your facing direction, striking the first enemy hero in contact, and damaging all enemy monsters in between, constituting as a heavy melee, then lose unstoppable.

Red - Invention of Fire: Lover gains +40% bullet damage. Activate to hurl a fireball towards the cursor, which damages any enemy target that it strikes, dealing a bonus 15% of their maximum health in damage, and explodes, damaging enemies in a wider range from impact.

[Rank 1] Spells selected after three seconds last twice as long.
[Rank 2] Scoring the final blow on an enemy hero while any spell is active refreshes the cooldown of Book of Color.
[Rank 3] Spells selected in the first second of selection have an active that is twice as effective. For Reliquary of Karma, twice the number of souls are collected. For Hail of Sleet, the slow for target and damage are doubled. For Kiss of the Dryad, the slowdown period for targets affected by Petrification Onset is doubled, while the movement impairing effects are halved, and the Petrification lasts twice as long. Damage and heal from Golden Covenant is doubled. For Fury of the Saber Cat, leap distance and damage is doubled. For Invention of Fire, the damage and explosion radius is doubled, but not the percent max health damage.

3. Battlemage (passive): Lover’s Gun attacks empower her Estoc attacks, and her Estoc attacks empower her Gun attacks. Whenever Lover scores a gun attack on a target, the next melee attack against that target will receive 50 additional damage scaling with spirit. When Lover scores a melee attack on a target, the next gun attack against that target will receive 50 additional bullet damage.

4. The Isatz Eye: Lover gains a very large blinding aura, which causes all ally and enemy screens to turn white while they are within range, fading from its full effect only at the very fringes of the aura. Lover is immune from this effect, and while active she gains True Sight. Lover is disarmed and silenced while The Isatz Eye lasts, which lasts for up to 10 seconds, but may be canceled early.

[Rank 1] Enemy heroes appear in illuminated silhouettes within the range of Isatz Eye.
[Rank 2] Enemy heroes appear on the minimap in range of Isatz Eye.
[Rank 3] Isatz Eye has a global range.


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  • Mercy - Revive this hero 5 seconds after they die at the location of their death with full health (same cooldowns).
  • Victory - Scoring a final blow against an enemy hero grants 3x souls in reward.
  • Wrath - Scoring a double kill increases damage amplification by 7% permanently.
  • Triumph - Scoring the final kill of a team wipe grants 9,000 souls.
  • Grave - Scoring a triple kill increases the death timer of those three enemies by 20 seconds.
  • Domain - Scoring a final blow against a Guardian grants a permanent +10% damage to enemy creeps and neutral monsters.
  • Conquer - Scoring a final blow against a Walker grants 15% bonus Bullet Damage permanently.
  • Mastery - Collecting the Rejuvenator grants 34 Spirit permanently.
  • Consecrate - Destroying a Shrine grants a permanent 350 Bullet Shield and 350 Spirit Shield.
  • Duty - Scoring a final blow against 10 Ancients grants a permanent 15% Bullet and Spirit Resist.
  • Mission - Turning in a Soul Urn grants +1 Speed.
  • Greed - Spending at least 6,300 on a single item reduces cooldowns by 7%.

Book of Color: (Anyone having difficulty imaging how this spell looks, imagine Twisted Fate cards, but selecting spells instead, and they flip through colors very fast, slowing down over 3 seconds.)

Starts displaying 6 spells in a queue, where only one option in the queue is visible at any given time. This queue cycles through for the duration of the spell in the same order, but for every cast the order of these spells is randomized.

This appears visually in Lover’s right hand, as she relinquishes her Estoc (while channeling Book of Color, Lover can not make a melee attack) in favor of an open Book of Color, from which all six spells can be seen, delineated by one of six colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red; as well, a graphic is displayed on the left-hand side of the player’s screen near Lover’s health bar. This scroll of spells slows down over 3 seconds, when it reaches its final speed, then lasts for up to 12 seconds after.

Reactivating Book of Color, or pressing Mouse2, will select the spell presently appearing in the scroll. Once a spell has been chosen, Lover puts away the Book of Color and reequips her Estoc. Each spell has a passive effect, and an active effect which can be activated by either reactivating Book of Color, or pressing Mouse2. You can not have two spells present at a single time. If one spell effect would take place, instead it overrides the previous spell effect. These spells have an effect that lasts for 10 seconds, which is the reactivation window in which their active effect may be invoked. Book of Color can not be recast while the active component is available. The spells are as follows:

Blue - Hail of Sleet: Enemy heroes in a long cone in front of Lover have fast moving sleet striking towards their location periodically (tilted towards Lover), damaging enemy heroes hit and slowing them by 25% for 2.5 seconds. Activating Hail of Sleet causes all enemies slowed this way to take damage and become immobilized for 2.5 seconds.

Green - Kiss of the Dryad: Grants Lover health regeneration. Throw a Petroglyph projectile a long distance that can hit an enemy hero, which gains Onset Petrification. Onset Petrification lasts for 3 seconds, granting the target ~35% damage resistance per second, while reducing ~35% of their movement speed [from max]. At the Petrification Point–which is at exactly 3 seconds after Onset Petrification– the target becomes Petrified, and loses their ability to act, is no longer affected by positive or negative buffs/debuffs, has all status effects suspended and takes no damage or gains or loses no health for the next 3 seconds. Petrification scales with duration.

Yellow - Golden Covenant: Lover gains 25% damage resistance from all sources. Activating Golden Seal damages all enemy heroes in a large area around Lover and heals her for the same amount. Damage and heal from this ability are true--true damage, and true healing--and can't be reduced by resistances or healing reduction.

Red - Invention of Fire: Lover gains +30% bullet damage and melee damage. Activate to hurl a fireball towards the cursor, which damages any enemy target that it strikes, dealing a bonus 15% of their maximum health in damage, and explodes, damaging enemies in a wider range from impact.

Battlemage (passive): Lover’s Gun attacks empower her Estoc attacks, and her Estoc attacks empower her Gun attacks. Whenever Lover scores a gun attack on any target, her next melee attack will deal 50 additional damage scaling with spirit. When Lover scores a melee attack on any target, her next gun attack will deal 50 additional bullet damage.

[Rank 1] Scoring both a gun attack and a melee attack against a single target within 3 seconds grants 25% movement speed decaying over 3 seconds.
[Rank 2] Shooting an enemy that is parrying causes a 75 damage burst, scaling with bullet damage. 6s frequency.
[Rank 3] Consecutive empowered attacks against a single target within 3 rolling seconds amplify in damage by 25%, to a maximum of 75%.

The Isatz Eye: Lover gains a very large blinding aura, which causes all ally and enemy screens to turn white while they are within range, fading from its full effect only at the very fringes of the aura. Anyone looking in to the area of effect of The Isatz Eye sees a white globe. Lover is immune from this effect, and while active she gains True Sight. Lover is disarmed and silenced, and her spell effects are paused while The Isatz Eye lasts, which lasts for up to 10 seconds, but may be canceled early. Minions, monsters and summons are disarmed and silence while affected by The Isatz Eye.

[Rank 1] Enemy heroes appear as illuminated silhouettes, regardless of where they are.
[Rank 2] Enemy heroes appear on the minimap, regardless of where they are. (Applies for team.)
[Rank 3] ??? (I think what wants to go here is something like: All Artifacts are revealed on the minimap. (Applies for team.); but there isn't a precedent for that in the game right now. I don't think that making this effect global is a good talent, though some groups of players may find a way to exploit its use.

I'm including a smaller picture of Lover, because the first one is enormous.


Her estoc is known as the Sword of Confidence. Anyone who touches it has a copy of their soul imprinted into the blade. I'm kind of thinking the sword may have been defending the Book of Color, which is how she lost an arm and a leg--maybe, maybe not. But for flavor, I'm thinking this is a talking sword, and because her soul is imprinted into it, she can have conversations with herself. It would be quite the task to come up with lore for every person's soul that is in the sword--theoretically, it would be everyone who you stabbed it with. Kind of makes for an interesting place to hash out your problems. I was gonna come up with some voice lines, but I'm not up to the task right now. I'm working on a rework for Nether. I can't figure out exactly what his sarcophagus should look like. 😕
Point of clarity:

  • Mercy - Revive this hero 5 seconds after they die at the location of their death with full health (same cooldowns).
  • Victory - Scoring a final blow against an enemy hero grants 3x souls in reward.
  • Wrath - Scoring a double kill increases damage amplification by 7%.
  • Triumph - Scoring the final kill of a team wipe grants 9,000 souls.
  • Grave - Scoring a triple kill increases the death timer of those three enemies by 20 seconds. (One time effect.)
  • Domain - Scoring a final blow against a Guardian grants +10% damage to enemy creeps and neutral monsters.
  • Conquer - Scoring a final blow against a Walker grants 15% bonus Bullet Damage.
  • Mastery - Collecting the Rejuvenator grants 34 Spirit.
  • Consecrate - Destroying a Shrine grants a permanent 350 Bullet Shield and 350 Spirit Shield.
  • Duty - Scoring a final blow against 10 Ancients grants 15% Bullet and Spirit Resist.
  • Mission - Turning in a Soul Urn grants +1 Speed.
  • Greed - Spending at least 6,300 on a single item reduces cooldowns by 7%.

    All other effects are permanent, or obviously one-time effects.