(hero concept:) Kage, A high skill, super complex, fast, high risk high reward character that rewards smart play, and precision and timing.


New member
this started as a rework of another character i had pitched but ended up turning into its own thing. I felt it would be interesting to create a character that uses stealth and blades to fight, and i created this. she is super timing focused and requires lots of precision as well. i also came up with a resource management mechanic that focuses on perfect play, similar to how vergil in dmc5 has

she focuses on precision speed and combos. her abilities work together in confusing the enemy, and boosting her damage against them enough to kill them fast enough that it was like she wasnt there. she rewards good timing and positioning as well as good precision and movement. she also has a resource management aspect.

other details:

she has a much quicker parry cooldown than other heroes. her movement speed at base is 8 metres per second and sprint is 10 metres per second. all shadow bars, and she can sprint at 19 metres a second. i meant fast. her health is starts at 425, which is lower than anyone else.

shadow meter:
She has a meter where the ammo would be instead of an ammo bar. hitting shots and dealing damage charges it up and using abilities does that too. timing the glints increases it as well, and a parry increases by a whole bar. its split into 5 bars. each bar increases her movement speed and slightly boosts damage and also affects different aspects of her. getting hit reduces it. missing also reduces it.


she doesnt use a gun, instead throwing knives. she has infinite ammo, and her knives do great headshot damage. she can charge a throw for better velocity, range and damage. if she has a shadow bar, it will highlight enemies she points at. you can highlight as many enemies as you have bars of shadow. if you point at the head it highlights the head. once you let go of the charging, he throws the 3 knives at the same time. it will hit anything that is within the players view. the knives build up bleed, just like his melee. its not good at long range as it starts to arc down. Headshots with the knives increase melee damage to whoever was shot in the head.

she has a unique melee. it is a pitch black sword that emits a faint glow. the quick melee is quicker than usual, and hits a sweep in front, and does higher damage than usual. her charged melee is less telegraphed than the base charged is. it is a quick but far lunge forward that does very good damage. while charging, it will glint once finished. if you release the charge at the moment it glints, it will do a different animation that will bounce the enemy into the air, and also does better damage. his melee has bleed build up too. Her quick melee has more animations as you melee more and more. at the end of the quick melee animation the tip of the blade glints. hit melee at the second of the glint, and it will do another melee attack, that does better damage, with some slight spirit damage added on top as well. At the end of that animation it glints, melee at that glint and it will do a charged melee without having to charge it. The charged melee that launches into the air, boosts the damage that the throwing knives do to the enemy. Her melee lunge distance increases with each shadow bar. all melee attacks move her forward a bit.

her melee damage is consistently increasing, at a similar level to her knives output. it does more damage the lower the enemies health is, up to 25% extra damage, and it also does increased damage the faster she is moving, up to 80% more

as she has infinite ammo she doesn't need to reload. so instead, the reload button instead throws a grappling hook out. he can swing across the map using it. it can pull him towards an enemy as well. This creates a unique movement option that turns the map into his playground. When Kage grapples onto someone, she melees them upon reaching them for high damage that increases damage the faster she was travelling. this can be parried. the actual hook grabbing onto you can be parried as well. the hook is pretty noticeable as it leaves a trail as it travels and it has a big end, so parrying is consistently possible.


his abilities would be:

1: dead shadow
This has a cooldown of 12 seconds, but upgrades reduce this to 8. She throws a black orb which creates a black clouds on impact that restricts vision in an area of a few metres, and weakens the bullet resist of enemies caught in the cloud, whilst also dealing some spirit damage over time. the first upgrade allows it to slow down and disable the abilities of enemy if the pellet hits them. its second upgrade makes it boost regen and healing of any friendlies that walk through the cloud as well, the buff lasting for a few seconds. the third upgrade of this makes it so a bullet or ability shot through a gas cloud does increased damage. its final upgrade makes that any enemies that die whilst in the clouds, spawn smaller less powerful clouds.

2: stealth:
on activation of this, she turns invisible, and gains a speed boost. she does 175% headshot damage whilst in this. melee does 175% damage whilst invisible as well. when she is attacking it reveals her for a moment and when she is hit it reveals her for a short moment as well. when an melee or an ultimate hits her it ends her invisibility instantly and cooldown takes longer. her invisibility ends after 4 seconds at base, but can be extended to 6 seconds with its upgrades. Recharge time can be decreased to 7 seconds from upgrades alone, but starts at 10 seconds. Build her right and you can most of the time invisible. she is partially visible when invisible but you have to look closely. the more still she is, the more visible she is. so he must move all the time. at full upgrades, kills whilst invisible increase the time by 0.4 seconds, and hero kills increase it by a full second. whilst in stealth she also can see through cover, and she can see through her own gas, as enemies gain an outline only visible to him while he is in stealth. the final upgrade gives him double fire rate and double shot charge time when in stealth. abilities and items do not affect stealth. the extra melee and headshot damage is boosted by another 25% every shadow bar so she caps out at 300% damage boost on that. With full shadow bars,

3: shadow clone.
"shoot out a shadow clone of your self. use the ability again to swap places with the shadow." kage summons a shadow clone that she can swap places with by pressing the ability again. when you swap places you keep your momentum. you shoot the hologram where you aim at. this can be used for plenty of confusion and also movement. the clone looks identical to the player and shoots out shots dealing a bit of spirit damage every second. it has health that can be depleted to destroy it, but the health bar looks like the players, but is much lower in reality. its great to confuse the enemy and escape, or can be set up to launch the player across the map, with how the hook works.

4: disguise
"disguise yourself as a targeted enemy or prop" Kage's ultimate allows her to disguise herself as anyone or anything she targets. The disguise ends when an enemy bullet hits him. abilities dont count because then disguises would last about one second. disguise ends when he attacks as well. the attack she does that ends his disguise has significantly increased damage. Disguise however, also ends all cooldowns allowing him to instantly use any items or abilities. The attack she is hit with that breaks his disguise does no damage, just reveals him. as she can die in a few hits, this can literally save her. Exiting disguise and entering disguise gives a few I frames, which a high skill player could use to stay alive. The more shadow bars she has the more i frames, and also each shadow bar increases the damage boost for the shot that exits disguise

these can all be changed of course if they dont fit the game well.

some changes i made in my rework:

i removed the ability deathmark. i felt like that the idea sounded more like an item than an ability. it would work better as an active item too. it wasnt unique enough to be an ability. and i felt the shadow clone, which is what i replaced this with, was a better idea.
this is the original abiltiy description i had:
"3: deathmark.
this gives an enemy an outline visible to the whole map. any damage done to someone marked lowers there max health and their bullet AND spirit resistance. they take increased headshot damage and melee damage."
There were items already that lowered max health and spirit resistance with damage dealt. i also felt like it just was a bit boring compared to everything else.

this aint really finished got too tired to finish it tho.
Hmm.... To me, it seems like most of the kit is built into the weapon-attack. I think there are some good ideas there, but some of them veer into the overly complicated or esoteric, while other ideas stray unnecessarily from the game's core mechanics, and I think there's a better middle-ground that you can find for all of these ideas.

To start with, the mechanic of charging an attack and hovering over a number of targets to release a multi attack. This is a cool idea, but it gets a little strange for me when it comes to specifically targeting enemies heads, where in theory upon release, depending on charge time, the velocity and arc of the shot might not hit the target's head, or even the target at all, depending on their range and speed. It's not a bad mechanic, I don't think, but I also don't really see the point in it and think that simpler ideas would succeed here. I also think this could work better integrated into the kit as a basic ability, because I don't think this character's kit is doing much for it. The way I would have that work is that when activated, every second every nearby target will be marked, for up to five seconds, and upon release or when the spell would end, shoots a projectile at each target still in range with damage relative to how many stacks they accrued.

You mention this character having the ability to pull of sick combos by timing things--and I see that in the melee mechanics you've integrated--but other than that, I only really see this in the headshot multiplier that you've included as a part of their Invisibility skill, combined with the elevated headshot damage that you've integrated into their weapon damage, plus the increased bullet damage enemies take while in her Smoke Bomb skill. To me, stacking headshot multipliers and bullet shred between these abilities doesn't elicit the kind of cool combo-savvy mechanics that you were aiming for.

The aspect that I like most about this kit is the Paper Mario-esque timing element that you added to the melee/charged melee attacks, but I think this should be integrated as a basic ability, instead, so that the character conforms to the game's core mechanics, and allows you to more clearly define and build out your idea in a way that players will immediately be able to grasp, because it's central to the character's ability profile. Including a passive/active component that straight up improves your melee attacks by adding a combo element to it is a fine addition for an ability, I think, and the only challenge from there is to give the character other abilities to help them get in to start playing melee rock-paper-scissors mind games.

I think the ultimate is not suitable at all for the character you're trying to get this to be. You mentioned a Deathmark ability, and I think that an ability like that would be much better at trying to accomplish some of the combo elements that you're trying to build on to create a character who can unleash devastation by timing multiple points of contact with an enemy.
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Hmm.... To me, it seems like most of the kit is built into the weapon-attack. I think there are some good ideas there, but some of them veer into the overly complicated or esoteric, while other ideas stray unnecessarily from the game's core mechanics, and I think there's a better middle-ground that you can find for all of these ideas.

To start with, the mechanic of charging an attack and hovering over a number of targets to release a multi attack. This is a cool idea, but it gets a little strange for me when it comes to specifically targeting enemies heads, where in theory upon release, depending on charge time, the velocity and arc of the shot might not hit the target's head, or even the target at all, depending on their range and speed. It's not a bad mechanic, I don't think, but I also don't really see the point in it and think that simpler ideas would succeed here. I also think this could work better integrated into the kit as a basic ability, because I don't think this character's kit is doing much for it. The way I would have that work is that when activated, every second every nearby target will be marked, for up to five seconds, and upon release or when the spell would end, shoots a projectile at each target still in range with damage relative to how many stacks they accrued.

You mention this character having the ability to pull of sick combos by timing things--and I see that in the melee mechanics you've integrated--but other than that, I only really see this in the headshot multiplier that you've included as a part of their Invisibility skill, combined with the elevated headshot damage that you've integrated into their weapon damage, plus the increased bullet damage enemies take while in her Smoke Bomb skill. To me, stacking headshot multipliers and bullet shred between these abilities doesn't elicit the kind of cool combo-savvy mechanics that you were aiming for.

The aspect that I like most about this kit is the Paper Mario-esque timing element that you added to the melee/charged melee attacks, but I think this should be integrated as a basic ability, instead, so that the character conforms to the game's core mechanics, and allows you to more clearly define and build out your idea in a way that players will immediately be able to grasp, because it's central to the character's ability profile. Including a passive/active component that straight up improves your melee attacks by adding a combo element to it is a fine addition for an ability, I think, and the only challenge from there is to give the character other abilities to help them get in to start playing melee rock-paper-scissors mind games.

I think the ultimate is not suitable at all for the character you're trying to get this to be. You mentioned a Deathmark ability, and I think that an ability like that would be much better at trying to accomplish some of the combo elements that you're trying to build on to create a character who can unleash devastation by timing multiple points of contact with an enemy.
i was half asleep writing it all just tryna finish it before i forgot it and i definetly think too many mechanics. it could have been put into multiple characters to work better in the game tbh, cause its too much for one character. also invisibilty would definetly be annoying to counter, so maybe instead she just has better mobility and more stamina so she can stay alive better im gonna make a rework defenitly. the melee ideas are gonna be expanded, maybe she could focus on lowering enemy health with the knives and abilities and move in for a melee kill. would definitely improve the gameplay make it a little more enjoyable to play and fight. and the energy mechanics probably could go because im not sure what i was doing with them, do that or a major rework of the system. ill definetly do that.