Hero Concept: Hangman


New member
Hello all, just throwing out a hero idea I had while playing the game.

We have,

A mysterious masked figure who dominates the ziplines, going between lanes to give an edge to his teammates.

Passive abilities: Can move freely back and forth on the ziplines, or even stop in place on them. Speed boost cooldown is 1/2 other heroes. Can attach himself to enemy controlled ziplines but cannot move. Is stuck in place.

Weapon: Lever action rifle. slow fire rate, long drop off range, small magazine

Ability 1: Tight Rope - Hangman can throw a hook and pull himself towards enemies. Base damage 60. If Hangman is on a zipline, the hooked enemy is pulled up and sent back down the zipline towards their base/patron for 20m.
I. Send-Back distance is increased to 30m
II. Damage is increased to 110
III. Enemies lose bullet resistance (20%) and are now sent all the way back to their spawn if attached to a zipline.

Ability 2: Chopping Block - Hangman can shoot up and attach blocks to enemy ziplines. Enemies trying to go down the lanes zipline will immediately drop when hitting a block. Blockades remain until shot down by enemies. Base damage from hitting blockade 45, enemies are stunned 1s when they hit the ground.
I. Increase charges of blockade +1
II. Damage from hitting blockade increase to 90, stun time to 3s
III. Blockades self-destruct when hit by enemies on a zipline. Damage increased to 150, stun extended to 5s.

Ability 3: Gallows - While hanging from zipline, current mag of weapon does 15 spirit damage per bullet. Range is increased. Headshot damage increased greatly.
I. Cooldown reduced -15s
II. Headshots stun enemies for 2s. Is not stackable.
III. Headshot stun increased to 4s, enemy bullet resistance while stunned -20%

Ability 4: Iron Maiden - Hangman can lock enemies in an iron maiden. Base damage 100. Plus 10 dmg every second over 4s. Can be opened early if charge-melee attacked by a fellow enemy. If Hangman is on a zipline, Iron Maiden will hang from the zipline, acting as a blockade for its duration. If attatched to zipline, and runs full duration, extra damage(50) is applied when it drops and hits the ground.
I. Iron Maiden explodes to do area damage if it runs full duration.
II. Duration of iron maiden increased to 8s, damage over time increased to 20
III. Base Damage increased to 250

aaaand thats it. Thanks.