Hero Concept: Grom and the gang.


(No picture this time, but imagine the Dota 2 Artifact imp being almost 2 meters tall, fairly ripped and smoking a cigar)


Grom was a lowly Greater imp growing up in the streets of New York.
However he had a surprising knack for soul magic, letting him bond his soul with others
who are willing. This let him bring the bonded back to life as long as he was still alive.
While surviving in the streets he grew more street smart and eventually met his underlings.
Together through thick and thin they eventually grew very close and soul bonded, afterwards
they became soul brothers. Grom and the gang where few in numbers, but they are quite feared by other mobsters
thanks to their insane tactics and unpredictability. Now they seek to become as rich as possible and buy their own plot
to make the home they all have wished for.


Grom has a unique feature in where his underlings are what makes his abilities possible.
The underlings will follow Grom around but if they are killed they will be temporarily removed and prevent Grom
from using the ability that is correlated with said underling.

all of his abilities have passives and will work even if the ability is on cooldown, but will
be turned off if the underling dies. These passives only affect Grom himself and not the underlings.

Each underling takes 40 seconds before they can be re-summoned.
if all underlings are killed and Grom is still alive, he will get -20% Bullet and Spirit Resistance.
and be stunned for 2 seconds.

Primary attack: wields a homemade Quad barreled shotgun. Heavy damage, high spread and slow reload time.
Pushes Grom back 2 meters every time he fires the gun.

Secondary attack: Shuffle your underlings around to random positions around you.
3 sec CD.

|| Tony taught Grom how to make his own gun, ever since he has never left its side. ||

Ability 1:
Swizz cheese em Tony!
20 sec CD
Mark range 20 meters.
8 sec duration (scales with spirit)

Tony has 100+ 20% of Groms HP.
20% Bullet Resistance
95% Spirit Resistance

Reload 50% faster. 40% Fire rate.

Active: Grom marks an enemy and sends Tony after them.
while chasing the enemy Tony will fire at them for 50%
of Grom's weapon damage. Tony will try to get as close as possible while
firing at the target.

Tony uses a Double barreled shotgun. and takes 2 seconds to reload.
Tony's speed 9 m/s (scales with spirit)

Re-activate the ability to recall Tony earlier.

Tony will gain 2m/s
2:Tony gains 80% life steal
5:Tony can now dash up to 2 times while he is reloading.
Direction is random, happens when he is shot at while reloading.

|| "Blastin" Tony always loved to paint the walls red with Beatrice ||


Ability 2:
Takes us to the skies Anton!
30 Sec CD
Throw range 50 meters.
Rope range 40 meters.

Anton has 75+ 30% of Groms HP
10% Bullet Resistance || -20% while on a wall
90% Spirit Resistance || 30& while on a wall

Gain 20% increased Dash/slide distance and 30% jump height.

Active: Throw Anton unto a wall and have him stick there.
Re-Activate this ability to have Anton throw a rope that Grom grabs and
starts swinging with. after letting go Anton will jump back to Grom.

Re-Active mid swing to let go.

If Anton is on a wall close to the ground ( within 10 meters of the ground)
Grom will instead pull himself towards Anton.

Swing/pull speed is 2x the move speed of Grom.

Colliding into enemies while 3rd ability is on
will deal Bonus damage based of X Meters traveled. (scales with spirit)

gain 4+ Spirit per hero kill with the swing.
2: swing speed now scales 3x the move speed instead
5: reduce CD by 10 sec per hero hit with the Dome and swing combo.

(killing Anton while Grom swings will have Grom and the underlings on him fall down and get stunned for 2 seconds.
This stun goes through the 3rd abilities stun immunity and will then remove the dome effect.)

|| "Angel" Anton was always kind and loved to help people, be it tasks or getting them places they can't reach ||


Ability 3:
Donald, cover us!
60 sec CD (gets reduced by spirit)
6 sec duration

Donald has 100+ 30% of Groms HP
0% Bullet Resistance
80% Spirit Resistance

Gain 20% Bullet and Spirit Resistance.

Active: Donald pulls out an artifact from his bag and channels a defensive dome around the group.
Gain Melee and Bullet immunity but makes you unable to shoot and melee.
Press M2 to cancel this effect early.

If you slide into enemies with the dome on you, deal X spirit damage (scales with spirt)
and knock them 5 meters away.

Dashing with the dome up, costs 2 stamina instead of the standard 1.

Underlings can still be used, doing so will make them leave the dome and be able
to take damage again.

Gain a 15% speed boost (scales with spirit)
2: Become stun and slow immune
5: Heal Grom and his underlings for 5% HP per second.*

(* unable to benefit from heals if they are outside the dome)

|| "Bookworm" Donald had a knack for finding artifacts and finding out how to use them ||


Ability 4:
The Liam special.
120 sec CD
15 Meter Radius

Liam has 100+25% of Groms HP
50% Bullet Resistance
50% Spirit Resistance

Inflict -20% healing on weapon hit for 3 seconds.

Active: Liam stands on top of Groms shoulders swinging his bag around, flinging grenades
out of the bag opening in every direction.
He flings 20 Grenades (amount scales with spirit) in total evenly around Grom.
Dealing X Spirit damage (scales with spirit)

(Baseline 5 grenades per 90° angle around Grom)

These Grenades will bounce 2 times before they explode. Will explode upon hero contact
but at a reduced damage based of how many bounces where missing before detonation.

0 Bounce: 30% Damage
1 Bounce: 60% Damage
2 Bounces: 100% Damage.

If used while swinging, Liam will drop grenades below Grom instead at a rate of 7 Grenades (increases
with the grenade amount scaling) a second. 3 second duration ( duration increases do not work on this)

-30 sec CD
2: -5% spirit resistance per grenade hit on enemy
5: -70% healing on hit for 5 seconds.

|| "Laughing" Liam's greatest joy was to see his little pals explode in all their glory ||


Thanks for reading. feel free to give feedback or check out my previous works!

Goran the Gambler:
Revenant the lost soldier:
The Shape:
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Cool concept, tho I dont see the point of having a secondary attack (or what a secondary attack even) when he already has a movement ability. Some of the numbers seem a bit overtuned but that stuff doesn't really matter in the concept stage
thanks for the feedback, i had something else in mind for the secondary that i might change it into. where its a shuffle instead. having the underlings shuffle around you and changing their positions randomly to catch people off guard with their aim. or just maby have it be a normal zoom.