Hero Concept: Gemini -- 3 Heroes in One!


New member
Gemini is one entity that consists of two twins -- Paradox and Paradigm. While playing Gemini you will spawn Paradox and in turn, Paradigm, and switch between them as you play. When "Shifting" between the twins, the inactive one becomes Intangible

Background -- Born of the astral planes, Gemini is almost more of a cosmic force than a person. They know not why this odd world and this strange city of New York was chosen, they only know that this is where The Tome has come, and they must have it.

Weapon: As Gemini -- Two large pistol-like arcane hand-cannons. When firing, Gemini shoots one at a time in succession. Paradigm and Paragon have only one of the pistols each. This does not change their fire rate but does halve the ammo.



1. Summon Paragon at the targeted location and become Paradigm. Fire a laser from both twins eyes that meets in the center. Once the laser finishes firing, Shift to Paragon while Paradigm becomes Intangible.

2. Summon Paradigm at the targeted location and become Paragon. Paradigm emits a pulse that stuns nearby enemies after a short delay. Once the pulse finishes, Shift to Paradigm while Paragon becomes Intangible.

3. Passive: Receive a small bonus to Health Regen, Bullet Resist, and Spirit Resist. Activate to double these bonuses for X seconds.

4. Leap into the sky and split into Paradigm and Paradox, floating shoulder to shoulder next to each other. Lasers fire from their eyes converging upon the same point that can be readjusted and aimed at will.


1. Charge up your pistol for a powerful 3-shot burst.

2. Shift to Paragon

3. After a delay, dismiss Paragon and become Gemini once more.


1. Shift to Paradigm

2. After a short delay, reflect a percentage of damage received outward in a burst.

3. After a delay, dismiss Paradigm and become Gemini once more.
🤔 This is interesting, but it's kind of difficult to imagine. I think I get it, though. So you summon one of the two proxies, then become the other, and at the end of the skill, you switch back. To me, it seems like splitting this between two skills is redundant when they both effectively do the same thing. I don't think you need to have either skill do something slightly different or have either character have a slightly different effect to make this interesting. Thematically, I think you could just call this character Clone Master and employ the same mechanic to summon clones (which I think is cool) and achieve the same effect.

What was throwing me off is that I was expecting that you would have these inactive shadow clones that you could switch between, allowing you to effectively be in several places at once. I've seen that design idea pop up lately, and I think Rainbow 6 Siege did something like that recently. I'm working on a redesign of one of my concepts that does something similar.

I think the concept is cool. There are a lot of ways you could handle it, but I think the essence of it is essentially that you are able to swap between a series of clones for short-term engagements, theoretically being able to attack from several different angles, possibly with several different abilities (like Pandaren Brewmaster ultimate).
Yes, sorry if the writeup was a little confusing (especially since I mistakenly call one of the twins "Paradox" multiple times) but you would have the ability to switch between the two once you have split into them, along with the ability to refuse once more. I used the word "Intangible" to describe the state of the inactive twin, but what I was aiming for was essentially the effect of the item "Ethereal Shift" where you become untargetable and invincible.
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