Hero Concept: Francis the Kaiju Kingpin (w concept images)


FRANCIS the KAIJU KINGPIN is an obvious play on Godzilla if he was a 40s mobster goon who probably uses mystical energy as opposed to radioactive power.
Gameplay wise he's a close range bruiser-tank hybrid who can grow to massive towering heights with his ultimate.

Had this idea in my head for a few days and I really wanted to try drawing it out!
Valve pls add big large giant character pls ty :)


Ability 1: Radioactive Beam​

Fire a beam for 1 second, following your aim over the duration.
The beam does constant spirit damage to targets struck, and slows them.
(You cannot fire your weapon while firing the beam.)


Ability 2: Bite​

Lunge forward towards a target, biting them for massive spirit damage, as well as shredding a % of their Weapon and Spirit Resists for a few seconds.
(Additionally, this could heal potentially? Or as an upgrade?)


Ability 3: Shakedown​

Grab a nearby target and suspend them in the air for up to 1.5-2 seconds. This can be canceled early. Pressing M1 while holding the target ends the grab and tosses them in the direction you're currently looking at an upwards angle. The target takes spirit damage upon landing.

Neither you nor the target may perform any actions while being grabbed- except you may cast (2) Bite, which will always target the held victim.


Ability 4: Meltdown​

Enter a channeling state- where Francis begins glowing and growing in size over a few seconds. While channeling, gains Resists and heals a % of his max health.

Francis will grow up to 5x his original size (This could be WAY too much, no clue on the scale of this), and gaining up to 100% bonus base stats (Weapon Damage, Spirit Power, and Max Health). If a ceiling is hit or the channeling is canceled- Francis will instantly stop charging and only gain the % of stats according to his channel time (AKA: If stopped 50% of the way through, then only gain 50% size and 50% stats).

When channeling is finished, become empowered for # seconds. After this duration is over, Francis rapidly shrinks to his original size.
While empowered, all other abilities become enhanced with additional effects:

(1) Radioactive Beam: Leaves a burning AOE trail wherever the beam hits.
(2) Bite: If damage dealt brings target under 25% HP, instantly kill them.
(3) Shakedown: Increased grab range and throw range. Thrown targets take additional damage on impact.

Francis is very large while empowered, thus he is slowed significantly (As to stop him from just... walking across the entire map) and cannot fit into spaces he normally would. He can recast this ability to end it early and shrink back to normal.



I'm not sure why this game's setting kept screaming it needs a kaiju in my head but I just... really like the idea of a Kaiju towering over these teamfights. A massive Godzilla creature looming over a battle- shooting giant beams and snatching people. Trying to hide in a little nook being terrified of being grabbed and eaten is such a funny concept to me.

Aesthetically I sorta took the cop-out answer of just making him a 40s businessman/mobster- I'm sure this idea could be WAY more interesting but I felt this was a solid base for the idea to sit on. Anyhow, thanks for reading my silly idea!
Not the type of character I tend to play, but it could work. He probably wouldn't be able to ult in any buildings, but that's fine.

Cthulhu in Smite has a very similar ult, except he gets new abilities after transforming into a giant.