Hero concept: Curse


New member
Name: Curse

I found it very difficult to come up with numbers of damage and duration, so the tuning of all of this could be completely off, the concept is what I stand for here. And yes I know there is an item in game called "Curse".
And also I know the game doesn't feature an 'Innate Passive' kind of abilities, but I wanted a Curse to be a part of 2 and 3, so I don't know on what ability you would put a discription of it. I think If I had to I would tie it to the 2 (Ravaging Curse) ability, but I find it to be dangerous tuning-wise: I don't want a Curse effect to scale from Spirit and Duration. But it could be done like that aswell.

When enemy is cursed, each stack of it increases damage you do to them by 2.5%. Base duration is 7s.

A slower weapon with heavy hiting bullets (Think Pocket's fire rate and Lady Geist bullets). Ammo amount I would imagine should be rather small.
When landing a bullet on a cursed enemy, increase the stack count by 1 and prolong it by 0.5s (headshots have 2x effect).
Note: Curse effect might be rebalanced for the long range, maybe it shouldn't stack at all on the long range.

1 Destruction Bolt
Send out a piercing bolt that deals damage. Curse effect for this ability is increased by 50%.
Damage: 100.
Cooldown: 17s.

Note: I imagine this to be a heavy hitting nuke ability; the damage, speed and range is similar to the Yamato's 1.

2 Ravaging Curse
Apply 4 stacks of Curse to the all enemies in the area and apply a DoT that lasts 5 seconds. DoT damage heals you, greatly reduced on NPC damage.
Damage: (totally madeup) 15 DPS.
Healing: 50% of the damage dealt.
Cooldown: 10s.
AoE: think Lady Geist's 1.

3 Through the Shadows
Become invulnarable and gain movement speed for 3 seconds. While in this form walking through an enemy applies 5 stacks of Curse to them and healing you for 10% of your hp.
Note: healing number is totally made up, but I want this to be significant number so you get a reward for using your escape like this. Also movement speed is something like Invernus' 2.
Cooldown: 30s.

4 Doom
Place a mark of Doom on the target for 10 seconds. They are Cursed for the duration with base stacks of 4. While enemy hero is affected by this, any damage and effects you apply to any other hero duplicates on the Doom's victim. The damage from this cannot kill.
Cooldown: 90s.
Note: I imgaine this to be point and click ability with a medium-large range. I think of something in the middle of Yamato's 2 unupgraged and upgraded.

1 Destruction Bolt
  1. -4s Cooldown
  2. +40 Damage
  3. Curse effect is increased to +100%.
2 Ravaging Curse
  1. +2s DoT Duration
  2. Enemies affected have their Spirit Defence reduced
  3. DPS+7 and Healing is doubled.
3 Through the Shadows
  1. Movement speed up
  2. Cooldown -15s.
  3. You also apply Ravaging Curse on the enemies you walk through (stacks with the original).
4 Doom
  1. Also applies Ravaging Curse
  2. Cooldown -30s, range +20%.
  3. The closest hero to the target also gets Doom.
I imagine this going both ways of it being strong backline nucker type of guy, but also it could be something of a tanky frontliner. They have a lot of healing with 2 and 3 and you can sustain yourself in teamfight to stack up curse to deal damage eventually. Obviously this hero should be strong in teamfights but should have a little problems in 1v1s. My concept provides not a single CC for this hero, but If we wanted I guess Slows would be the best kind of; maybe a slow on 2 or great slow on 3; could also see something like "stacking curse to a 10 slows the enemy", maybe as an upgrade.
Also a big question is should item effects be duplicated on Doom targets aswell (like Slowing Hex).
The biggest problem I see is that it has this "innate passive" kind of thing that interacts with all the abilities, and we don't do that here I get it. I thought of the option of removing 3 and 4 Curse applications, leave it on 2 and obviously still have the effect on 1, cause I see it as a core of the concept. That way you can tie the Curse to the 2 and kinda be done with it.
A visual part of this, I haven't really thought about, I imagine a lot of Shadow'y purple kind of thing. I do imagine this being sort of Warlock Mage type thing. My biggest inspiriton being Warlock from WoW (Destruction's Chaos Bolt and Havoc, and Affliction's overall DoTs and self-healing).
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