Hero Concept: Chef Roux (w concept images)


Chef Roux! A Four Armed Mechanical Diner Chef who is a mobile assassin with vague supportive elements!

(Please excuse the rough art- I'm not the greatest artist but I really wanted to showcase the idea in my head...)

Primary Attack: Kitchen Knives​

Chef Roux rapidly throws out kitchen knives that travel in a straight line quickly.
He throws once with each arm sequentially, repeating after 4 are thrown.
I'd imagine this has a medium-high fire rate with a solid magazine size.


Ability 1: Pan Toss​

Toss a pan projectile forwards, traveling in an arc.
Upon hitting, the target is stunned and takes Spirit damage.

Ability 2: Rush Hour​

Chef Roux leaps forward, and for the next 8 shots gains massively increased attack speed.
The amount of shots with increased speed is based off Roux's Spirit Power.

Ability 3: Deep Fry​

Both of Chef Roux's bottom arms pull out a pot of boiling water / stew and splash it forward in a cone, dealing a Damage Over Time and Slowing for a few seconds.

Ability 4: Culinary Expertise​

Upon casting, Chef Roux stops and channels for 3 seconds- stunning and trapping all enemy units in a radius around him while rapidly damaging them.
He rapidly moves around, chopping and dicing all of the enemies up.
After the channel is finished, Roux throws a meal to all allies in a VERY large radius, healing them based on the amount of enemies chopped up.



Just a silly idea I had! Felt like drawing something so I ended up designing the whole kit. While he's fairly simple, I feel like it could be a fun playstyle. Initially the Ult's team heal was map-wide- which is definitely more interesting design-wise but I ended up with a simple "large radius".
You could realistically build him in really any way? Full weapon-damage based builds would rely on the CC provided by his 1/3, and the attack speed from his 2. While Spirit based builds would simply engage and melt with 2-3's damage into an 4 finisher.
Design/Aesthetically I adore the idea of a 4 armed character in this game (aside from technically wraith). Initially he was a fisherman-dockworker with a Fishing Rod pull, but after I had the knife throwing idea the 1920s diner chef vibe stuck. Could probably be leaned into more? My designs are very simplistic in these doodles, I just wanted to give the impression of the concept I was going for. Anyway thanks for reading!
Theme and abilities are really spot on. Though I personally feel like the ultimate ability is a bit overpacked, it essentially being a Dynamo's ult in terms of stunlocking enemies on short AOE and giving some healing to allies on top. If I were to suggest an alternative, I would maybe propose something like this:

Cover a group of enemies in small AOE in tasty sauce. They are slowed, take a bit more damage from all sources and provide a lot of healing on hit to allies

This way it would be a pretty powerful supportive ability, without being too similar to abilities that already exist, I think. Though it would definitely require a bit of team coordination
Love it all besides maby the ult? as Naf mentioned its over packed and to similiar to Dynamo. but maby something related to Killing enemy heroes heals allies is a really cool idea, kind of like a momentum ult.

also love your art lol, it sells it.
Ability 1: pan toss
what if the robot held the pot infront of him for a second. any projectiles fired at him would collect in the pot. he could then throw this pot whole sale back at the enemy in a direction of his choosing.
I actually love this idea. His ult should instead do what Abaddons aghs with mist coil works. Maybe self life steal for 50% and 100% of damage done heals allies in radius
View attachment 5660Did a quick sketch of this fella ❤️
I love that design, but heres some ideas i got while watching it:
  1. the torso is too flat, why not add something to it (I was thinking about a furnace or something like that).
  2. I saw the apple and i tought, why not add some ketchup and mustard dispensers on it too, while we are at it.
  3. Maybe add something to the arms ( i would give an idea but i really dont know what to place there)
  4. Eye color? (red would be cool but also kinda cliché)
Please take this as a comment to the overall discussion, i'm not criticising your art (love it tho) .
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Theme and abilities are really spot on. Though I personally feel like the ultimate ability is a bit overpacked, it essentially being a Dynamo's ult in terms of stunlocking enemies on short AOE and giving some healing to allies on top. If I were to suggest an alternative, I would maybe propose something like this:

Cover a group of enemies in small AOE in tasty sauce. They are slowed, take a bit more damage from all sources and provide a lot of healing on hit to allies

This way it would be a pretty powerful supportive ability, without being too similar to abilities that already exist, I think. Though it would definitely require a bit of team coordination
I totally agree that the Ult idea is a tad too close to Dynamo's and I adore your idea for this. I kept imagining his ult being a finisher but it being a way to initiate combat is a super fun concept!
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Nice. I see I'm not the only one who loved that Chef robot from Neon Prime. It's just too good of a design to not reuse for Deadlock :)
I love that design, but heres some ideas i got while watching it:
  1. the torso is too flat, why not add something to it (I was thinking about a furnace or something like that).
  2. I saw the apple and i tought, why not add some ketchup and mustard dispensers on it too, while we are at it.
  3. Maybe add something to the arms ( i would give an idea but i really dont know what to place there)
  4. Eye color? (red would be cool but also kinda cliché)
Please take this as a comment to the overall discussion, i'm not criticising your art (love it tho) .
Halal bot
Now that you mention it, a lot of street food vendors on NY are openly labeled as "halal", since the city the game takes place is suppossedly NYC (but a different timeline, we need to remember that), it may be labeled halal, why not add a halal sticker on the bot?