[Hero Concept] Cazadora
Concept: I started it off as basically making Muerta from Dota without copying her kit. I replaced her revolvers with a lever action repeating rifle because I always think they’re cool and unique. Eventually her Dia de los Muertos theme became more of an Aztec theme. I also wanted to reuse an animation from an unreleased hero so she also uses bolas. She is basically an Aztec-themed assassin with a cursed mask. The art is AI. I am not an artist and the AI art didn't really make a good design. I included numbers because why not and they’re obviously not tested.

Overview: Pursues and hunts down enemies.
Cazadora sets traps or roots her enemy and then with speed and ferocity delivers short bursts of damage. When she gets her enemy to low health, she can lock them an enemy as she extracts their life.
Their weapon is a Winchester-style repeating rifle
Health: 550 // Health Regen: 2

Tepostli Tlen Tonati (Winchester Repeating Rifle)
DPS: 64// Bullet Damage: 16// Rate of Fire: 4 (Same as Dynamo)
Power Increases: 1.1 Base Bullet Damage // 3.4 Base Melee Damage // +35 Health
Speed: 7 m/s // Sprint Speed: 0 m/s+0.04*Sp (Sprint scales with Spirit) // Stamina: 3

1: Swift as the Jaguar: Call upon the agility and ferocity of the jaguar. A spectral jaguar head overlays with her jade jaguar mask and growl. For 6s, Cazador gains increased Fire Rate, your Sprint Speed is added to your Move Speed, and her bullets and melees apply a debuff that damage and reduces healing.
Buff Duration: 6s// Cooldown: 44s
Fire Rate: 20%+0.1*Sp // Bleed DPS: 10*0.15*Sp, -20% Healing Reduction // Debuff Duration: 3s
Debuff does not stack and only refreshes duration
1 AP: +15% Melee damage
2AP: -16s CD
5 AP: +2s debuff duration and +2s buff duration
Notes: It may be a bit overloaded but I think if the buff has a clear visual and audio indicator then it should be fair. Their 1 should not be stealthy or subtle. Sprinting while the buff is active still adds your Sprint Speed to your movement (i.e. the bonus is counted twice).

2: Spectral Bolas: Throws a set of white bolas to root and deal extra damage with their next attack. The target is rooted and marked for 1.25s. If Cazadora shots or melees the marked target (allies don’t trigger it) then the root immediately ends and they take 8%+0.04*Sp Max Health.
Cooldown: 50s // Range: 30m
Root and Mark duration: 1.25s // Marked Damage: 8%+0.04*Sp Max Health
1 AP: -14s Cooldown
2 AP: +2% Max Health damage and +0.75s duration
5 AP: Damage doesn’t break the root
Notes: Before 5 AP, no damage is dealt if the root goes for its full duration and for 5 AP, only the first bullet or melee triggers the damage or not at all if Cazador doesn't damage them. It also reuses Kali’s (an unreleased hero) ult assets since Predator-esque lizardman may not fit well in Deadlock.

3: Xolo Ward: Create an initially visible ward of a spectral guard dog that arms and goes invisible after 3s. When an enemy hero or trooper comes with 5m of the ward, it explodes and bleeds everyone in its 5m range for 4s. If a hero is hit, they are pinged on the map and revealed on the map and Cazadora can see their outline through walls for the duration. Any damage the ward takes reveals it for 1 second.
Activation range: 5m // Radius: 5m // Charges: 1
Bleed Duration: 4s // Cooldown: 35s
Health: 10% of Cazadora’s // Bleed DPS: 20+0.1*Sp // Lifetime: 45+1*Sp
1 AP: +1 charge and bleed applies 20% Movement Slow
2 AP: +2s debuff duration
5 AP: -50% Stamina Recovery
Notes: Triggering multiple wards only refreshes the duration. The wards are designed to be used preemptively and not in the heat of combat. Damage reveals them so a bullet down an “empty” hall or an AOE spell can reveal and negate them. Their damage is purposely low since: (1) it’s more for chase and locating enemies and (2) it minimizes it from becoming too powerful due to items shenanigans (looking at you Escalating Exposure). It also purposely only damages heroes and troopers so it can be placed next to denizens without triggering it. A good hunter knows where the prey will go.

4: Sacrifice to the Sun: A spectral heart forms as you hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel as your obsidian dagger plunges into the heart. If they die during Sacrifice to the Sun, you permanently gain a stacking spirit shield (20 per kill). You gain spirit lifesteal during the channel. If the target is below 50% Max HP, then the duration increases by 1.5s.
Range: 5m // Cooldown: 160s
50% HP or Above Duration: 0.75s // Below 50% Duration: 2.25 s // DPS: 60+(1.1 Sp)
100% Spell Lifesteal //
1 AP: -35s cooldown
2 AP: +60 DPS
5 AP: Unstoppable while channeling
Note: Yes, this is basically Mo & Krill’s ult but it feels more appropriate on her since pinning people to kill then getting stronger fits pretty well with her character. It has a lower cooldown and it is way less useful if the target isn’t on low health. I choose Spirit Shields to increase per kill so she doesn’t innately snowball as hard. It could be replaced with 3% Bullet Lifesteal or 3% Bullet damage but it might be too win-more and make her too oppressive if she gets too many kills.
Concept: I started it off as basically making Muerta from Dota without copying her kit. I replaced her revolvers with a lever action repeating rifle because I always think they’re cool and unique. Eventually her Dia de los Muertos theme became more of an Aztec theme. I also wanted to reuse an animation from an unreleased hero so she also uses bolas. She is basically an Aztec-themed assassin with a cursed mask. The art is AI. I am not an artist and the AI art didn't really make a good design. I included numbers because why not and they’re obviously not tested.

Overview: Pursues and hunts down enemies.
Cazadora sets traps or roots her enemy and then with speed and ferocity delivers short bursts of damage. When she gets her enemy to low health, she can lock them an enemy as she extracts their life.
Their weapon is a Winchester-style repeating rifle
Health: 550 // Health Regen: 2

Tepostli Tlen Tonati (Winchester Repeating Rifle)
DPS: 64// Bullet Damage: 16// Rate of Fire: 4 (Same as Dynamo)
Power Increases: 1.1 Base Bullet Damage // 3.4 Base Melee Damage // +35 Health
Speed: 7 m/s // Sprint Speed: 0 m/s+0.04*Sp (Sprint scales with Spirit) // Stamina: 3

1: Swift as the Jaguar: Call upon the agility and ferocity of the jaguar. A spectral jaguar head overlays with her jade jaguar mask and growl. For 6s, Cazador gains increased Fire Rate, your Sprint Speed is added to your Move Speed, and her bullets and melees apply a debuff that damage and reduces healing.
Buff Duration: 6s// Cooldown: 44s
Fire Rate: 20%+0.1*Sp // Bleed DPS: 10*0.15*Sp, -20% Healing Reduction // Debuff Duration: 3s
Debuff does not stack and only refreshes duration
1 AP: +15% Melee damage
2AP: -16s CD
5 AP: +2s debuff duration and +2s buff duration
Notes: It may be a bit overloaded but I think if the buff has a clear visual and audio indicator then it should be fair. Their 1 should not be stealthy or subtle. Sprinting while the buff is active still adds your Sprint Speed to your movement (i.e. the bonus is counted twice).

2: Spectral Bolas: Throws a set of white bolas to root and deal extra damage with their next attack. The target is rooted and marked for 1.25s. If Cazadora shots or melees the marked target (allies don’t trigger it) then the root immediately ends and they take 8%+0.04*Sp Max Health.
Cooldown: 50s // Range: 30m
Root and Mark duration: 1.25s // Marked Damage: 8%+0.04*Sp Max Health
1 AP: -14s Cooldown
2 AP: +2% Max Health damage and +0.75s duration
5 AP: Damage doesn’t break the root
Notes: Before 5 AP, no damage is dealt if the root goes for its full duration and for 5 AP, only the first bullet or melee triggers the damage or not at all if Cazador doesn't damage them. It also reuses Kali’s (an unreleased hero) ult assets since Predator-esque lizardman may not fit well in Deadlock.

3: Xolo Ward: Create an initially visible ward of a spectral guard dog that arms and goes invisible after 3s. When an enemy hero or trooper comes with 5m of the ward, it explodes and bleeds everyone in its 5m range for 4s. If a hero is hit, they are pinged on the map and revealed on the map and Cazadora can see their outline through walls for the duration. Any damage the ward takes reveals it for 1 second.
Activation range: 5m // Radius: 5m // Charges: 1
Bleed Duration: 4s // Cooldown: 35s
Health: 10% of Cazadora’s // Bleed DPS: 20+0.1*Sp // Lifetime: 45+1*Sp
1 AP: +1 charge and bleed applies 20% Movement Slow
2 AP: +2s debuff duration
5 AP: -50% Stamina Recovery
Notes: Triggering multiple wards only refreshes the duration. The wards are designed to be used preemptively and not in the heat of combat. Damage reveals them so a bullet down an “empty” hall or an AOE spell can reveal and negate them. Their damage is purposely low since: (1) it’s more for chase and locating enemies and (2) it minimizes it from becoming too powerful due to items shenanigans (looking at you Escalating Exposure). It also purposely only damages heroes and troopers so it can be placed next to denizens without triggering it. A good hunter knows where the prey will go.

4: Sacrifice to the Sun: A spectral heart forms as you hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel as your obsidian dagger plunges into the heart. If they die during Sacrifice to the Sun, you permanently gain a stacking spirit shield (20 per kill). You gain spirit lifesteal during the channel. If the target is below 50% Max HP, then the duration increases by 1.5s.
Range: 5m // Cooldown: 160s
50% HP or Above Duration: 0.75s // Below 50% Duration: 2.25 s // DPS: 60+(1.1 Sp)
100% Spell Lifesteal //
1 AP: -35s cooldown
2 AP: +60 DPS
5 AP: Unstoppable while channeling
Note: Yes, this is basically Mo & Krill’s ult but it feels more appropriate on her since pinning people to kill then getting stronger fits pretty well with her character. It has a lower cooldown and it is way less useful if the target isn’t on low health. I choose Spirit Shields to increase per kill so she doesn’t innately snowball as hard. It could be replaced with 3% Bullet Lifesteal or 3% Bullet damage but it might be too win-more and make her too oppressive if she gets too many kills.