Hero Concept: Begonia - The magician


New member
Maria Souza Fernandez has always been fascinated by magicians ever since her childhood, always doing card tricks to impress her family and friends, at the beginning those were just that, amateur tricks, however, she wouldn’t stop there, it got more and more complex and more and more dangerous. With it, her audience grew, she got attention, media outlets, crowds of fans screaming her very own name, but it wasn’t enough, she wanted to be the best.

Ult - Mirror illusion (O show não acabou):
Makes 3 clones of herself removing her ability to shot or to walk beyond a certain range, making the enemy have to try to choose the correct one, if the enemy misses Begonia gets increased bullet damage, Syphon, Restored health and increased movement speed, however if the enemy hits the right one begonia's ult gets cancelled.

Hat Trick:
Begonia places her hat at a place of her choosing letting her teleport to it whenever she wants.

Coin Flip:
Begonia makes a coin appear out of thin air with her hands, after it she throws the coin in the air, after it if she shoots it in the right time frame her bullet gets ricocheted to a enemy (Coin flip can be used by allies)

Begônia flower:
Begonia removes the flower from her hat holding it in her hands, after that, the petals fly towards nearby allies granting them health, if none are nearby, begonia gets all petals. Once it's done, begonia places the base of the flower on her hat, with the petals slowly regrowing as the ability recharges.

6 shot revolver:
she would be unable to zoom in as pressing right click would make her shoot all bullets that are in her weapon really fast


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i have a few problems while others are interesting:

Gun is cool, would it scale normally with ammo upgrades? how long is reload? meaning it could be interesting or incredibly scary to have ammo be the scalling stat over fire rate. i know some fire really fast but their bullets do little each shot. not really thematic to a 6shot revoler also meaning if it only has 6 shots they should pack a punch ( look geist its basically that, she has te highest bullet damage and why her best builds are weapon) so unloading 20 shots in very high speed without having to invest in fire rate could be a design problem. mostly because kinetic dash will allow you a lot of reach with stamina perservasion and by itself be a 72% ammo upgrade.

Main issue i have though its a lot of ditto things that are already in the game, meaning part of it could still be used in a different way, but simply put: gun is geist, hat trick flying coat, begonia flower is rejuvenating aurora. There are so much more to unlock with the character design to ditto the small roster of characters we have already. The small nuance of the spells is not interesting.

So to get in flavour of the game, why is she participating in the ritual? has she made "pact with the devil" for her show? she's already famous and big just wants to go bigger? why is she here? The first Maelstorm could be the start, or was the start of her new show because its unlocking magical powers in the world. She found a way to mix her show and this mystical world. idk just something to ground it in this world

The coin idea is super interesting, would love if it reset if hit but kinda big cd (10s seams big for sometihng that small) if the enemy get you. or perhaps it resets cd as well but you get shot!! idk that could be cool. perhaps have charge and create some weird bouncing bullet and trick shot. Small idea how about the hat is a sort of ivy kutzu but if you throw a coin in the hat it switches to the begonia effect? kinda mcginnis but it creates some inter ability synergy and ability combo for a show. making the hat like underlord ult from dota, or tahm kench previous ult where you both teleport a distance and is more a macro ability like a warp in could be cool keeping that idea of disapearing in and out of the hat, and make it an ult ofc.

Her ult, how does it work if kelvin 7 dynamo ivy viscous paradox krill wraith warden throw a charge or spam aspell on you and clones? do they just go poof and they spent a 5s cs 1.5s charge delay to eat your ult? the game as made is clear that easy cancels are not fun, because it forces you rushing any kind of immunities. that's why silence knocks dont stop you from channeling or lose control of your character, only stuns. so having even a stray bullet cancels yours seams just like a why bother when it could be such a fun mischief, chaos creating skill.
Remove the range limitation, mcginnis suffers a lot from chaotic fight and not slow and steady around her turrets, you become the turret in this with much less range and fire power from the get go like a beepbop ult can from his ult turret mode. if you get out of the range or after the illusions get popped if the buff stays as a long lasting steroid, then maybe but its not fun. you cast, everyone runs and you just dont get anything.
How about something the likes of Danzabouro from Smite? where you create like 6? a dozen clones? that scurry around. maybe shoot at a very slow rate and low damage ration. maybe can take 1 bullet but have like 200hp vs mystical or have like 100hp and 85% spirit resist ( numbers are just the idea that they dont pop on spawn from some aoe on top of you or around you, perhaps 1s immunity). I like the confusion idea and you are also transformed into one your clones, perhaps all run fast in all 4 around and you can re position because after a channel where you scramble who is the real one? have one of the upgrades be more clones maybe base 6 then +6, other upgrade give some offensive stats if clones get popped as well to keep the if you get bamboozled you "lose" idea you had. and perhaps get a special targeting to swap with a clone with some big range for more chaos (samuro Hots, really fun) 1 cast, upgraded to +2 cast? idk bump up the lets make this a WOW effect for the magician show and the chaos maker effect. I picked some idea of other games, becuase they are REALLY fun ideas to play around and historically have also been fun to interact, its a mind games sometimes you do just use it to get a in or get out just run fast out yk? this or the hat could be ults or base, its a case of numbers and strengh of effect that would make one or the other

brings me an idea the hat can be both a slow pulsing heal that can be destroyed and a mediv portal. so you can bait enemy to destroy it and there's a abrams popping out of it that was hidding in the metro station
i have a few problems while others are interesting:

Gun is cool, would it scale normally with ammo upgrades? how long is reload? meaning it could be interesting or incredibly scary to have ammo be the scalling stat over fire rate. i know some fire really fast but their bullets do little each shot. not really thematic to a 6shot revoler also meaning if it only has 6 shots they should pack a punch ( look geist its basically that, she has te highest bullet damage and why her best builds are weapon) so unloading 20 shots in very high speed without having to invest in fire rate could be a design problem. mostly because kinetic dash will allow you a lot of reach with stamina perservasion and by itself be a 72% ammo upgrade.

Main issue i have though its a lot of ditto things that are already in the game, meaning part of it could still be used in a different way, but simply put: gun is geist, hat trick flying coat, begonia flower is rejuvenating aurora. There are so much more to unlock with the character design to ditto the small roster of characters we have already. The small nuance of the spells is not interesting.

So to get in flavour of the game, why is she participating in the ritual? has she made "pact with the devil" for her show? she's already famous and big just wants to go bigger? why is she here? The first Maelstorm could be the start, or was the start of her new show because its unlocking magical powers in the world. She found a way to mix her show and this mystical world. idk just something to ground it in this world

The coin idea is super interesting, would love if it reset if hit but kinda big cd (10s seams big for sometihng that small) if the enemy get you. or perhaps it resets cd as well but you get shot!! idk that could be cool. perhaps have charge and create some weird bouncing bullet and trick shot. Small idea how about the hat is a sort of ivy kutzu but if you throw a coin in the hat it switches to the begonia effect? kinda mcginnis but it creates some inter ability synergy and ability combo for a show. making the hat like underlord ult from dota, or tahm kench previous ult where you both teleport a distance and is more a macro ability like a warp in could be cool keeping that idea of disapearing in and out of the hat, and make it an ult ofc.

Her ult, how does it work if kelvin 7 dynamo ivy viscous paradox krill wraith warden throw a charge or spam aspell on you and clones? do they just go poof and they spent a 5s cs 1.5s charge delay to eat your ult? the game as made is clear that easy cancels are not fun, because it forces you rushing any kind of immunities. that's why silence knocks dont stop you from channeling or lose control of your character, only stuns. so having even a stray bullet cancels yours seams just like a why bother when it could be such a fun mischief, chaos creating skill.
Remove the range limitation, mcginnis suffers a lot from chaotic fight and not slow and steady around her turrets, you become the turret in this with much less range and fire power from the get go like a beepbop ult can from his ult turret mode. if you get out of the range or after the illusions get popped if the buff stays as a long lasting steroid, then maybe but its not fun. you cast, everyone runs and you just dont get anything.
How about something the likes of Danzabouro from Smite? where you create like 6? a dozen clones? that scurry around. maybe shoot at a very slow rate and low damage ration. maybe can take 1 bullet but have like 200hp vs mystical or have like 100hp and 85% spirit resist ( numbers are just the idea that they dont pop on spawn from some aoe on top of you or around you, perhaps 1s immunity). I like the confusion idea and you are also transformed into one your clones, perhaps all run fast in all 4 around and you can re position because after a channel where you scramble who is the real one? have one of the upgrades be more clones maybe base 6 then +6, other upgrade give some offensive stats if clones get popped as well to keep the if you get bamboozled you "lose" idea you had. and perhaps get a special targeting to swap with a clone with some big range for more chaos (samuro Hots, really fun) 1 cast, upgraded to +2 cast? idk bump up the lets make this a WOW effect for the magician show and the chaos maker effect. I picked some idea of other games, becuase they are REALLY fun ideas to play around and historically have also been fun to interact, its a mind games sometimes you do just use it to get a in or get out just run fast out yk? this or the hat could be ults or base, its a case of numbers and strengh of effect that would make one or the other

brings me an idea the hat can be both a slow pulsing heal that can be destroyed and a mediv portal. so you can bait enemy to destroy it and there's a abrams popping out of it that was hidding in the metro station
Your ideas are really really good, I'm quite new to mobas so I don't really have much insight. About her ult, a lot of people have pointed out to me that area damaging abilities would just make her useless so I'm going to prob change it to the dozen of weak clones that are moving around and shooting at the enemy idea, it still keeps the pressure to find the real one and you can still do a lot of damage.


About her hat, I think I'll make it kinda like a single use player teleporter but also a infinite use ability teleporter aswell so you can still use abilities through the hat and catch enemies off guard and also I really like the teleporting allies to the hat thing. Here's a interacting thing I've thought with this change.


Ivy throws her slow. Haze panics


Rushes Ivy. gets caught by surprise and dies


And about the coin flip I think I'll add the enemies can also shoot at it thing it will keep lane duels really interesting



Anyway I'm still thinking about how to rework the healing thing. Anyway thanks for the feedback!
Glad to help. unfortunatly i am not good at all at pure creativity and creating things from nothing but I am good at using someone elses tools and discovering and showing what works and what doesn't.
About her hat, I think I'll make it kinda like a single use player teleporter but also a infinite use ability teleporter aswell so you can still use abilities through the hat and catch enemies off guard and also I really like the teleporting allies to the hat thing. Here's a interacting thing I've thought with this change.
The hat ability portal would be really fun but its probably a nightmare to code :D i would love it like playing with portals and using something like beepbop ult.
I think the concept for this character is really tight. The mechanical elements of the ultimate and her healing ability are the two abilities that probably need the most work. This character seems like a trickster and a duelist. I find it easy to imagine this character in the game. I like the idea that enemies can shoot the coin as well, but you have to be consider how to push a skill like that to be more of a boon for you so that your kit doesn't end up reading like a liability.