[Hero Concept] A kung-fu Suffragette


New member
Suffrajitsu was a 1910s phenomenon, in which English suffragette women learned martial arts to defend themselves from aggressors. They gathered in teams and fought the police, amongst other activities. So imagine we add a british Mary Poppins type character, who goes around beating the shit out of people in a puffy skirt. Maybe she has a hidden gun inside the cane of her umbrella, and she can open it up into a bullet shield or something of the sort. Looks like a proper lady on the outside, but doesnt hesitate to hike up her skirt and kick the shit out of rude lads.

Honestly, I dont know what types of abilities she should have, but I just feel the aesthetic of it would fit this game to a T. I hope I have managed to infect the image of a "Kung Fu suffragette" into the brain of someone in the design team. Cheers.
I was admittedly hesitant about what seemed like a joke concept, but after reading the wiki page, I think this could unironically work, and it's educational!

Many aren't aware that the suffragettes committed acts that we would call terrorism today, including killing people with bombs. There's a shitload of material there for a Deadlock character.

She could have a satchel bomb for mobility and a passive where successfully parrying a heavy melee automatically flips the enemy onto the ground like in the wikipedia pic.

I was admittedly hesitant about what seemed like a joke concept, but after reading the wiki page, I think this could unironically work, and it's educational!

Many aren't aware that the suffragettes committed acts that we would call terrorism today, including killing people with bombs. There's a shitload of material there for a Deadlock character.

She could have a satchel bomb for mobility and a passive where successfully parrying a heavy melee automatically flips the enemy onto the ground like in the wikipedia pic.

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the concept is really cool op, would love to see something like this in game

the drawing is wonderful, did you make it?