Hero concept 07 [Canary][artwork]

Cool art (nice bird) and kit's pretty cool too, I dont have any suggestion to change anything, more so add effects to make his ult more easily procable. Like if Spotlight had a set duration, but you could recast it to cast it for a longer period, have it deal dmg to both enemies with light shined on them as well as yourself, that way you could deny yourself with it too. This one's more silly than anything, but since the pickaxe from Picking Fights is supposed to be used on people in the air, what if the projectile didn't disappear after it hit someone/something, instead it fell down and damaged enemies it hit, OR yourself if you happen to be standing underneath it. Sounds goofy but it also would just give the character more ways to proc his ult which I think would be pretty good. Nice job
Cool art (nice bird) and kit's pretty cool too, I dont have any suggestion to change anything, more so add effects to make his ult more easily procable. Like if Spotlight had a set duration, but you could recast it to cast it for a longer period, have it deal dmg to both enemies with light shined on them as well as yourself, that way you could deny yourself with it too. This one's more silly than anything, but since the pickaxe from Picking Fights is supposed to be used on people in the air, what if the projectile didn't disappear after it hit someone/something, instead it fell down and damaged enemies it hit, OR yourself if you happen to be standing underneath it. Sounds goofy but it also would just give the character more ways to proc his ult which I think would be pretty good. Nice job
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OH for pickaxe, it anchors heroes to a spot on the ground (like Slarks Leash) , or a root effect. I guess itd be great for airborne enemies too, forcing them to be rooted to the ground.
OH for pickaxe, it anchors heroes to a spot on the ground (like Slarks Leash) , or a root effect. I guess itd be great for airborne enemies too, forcing them to be rooted to the ground.
oh that... makes a lot more sense, I kinda completely misunderstood the very obvious description xd my b