Heavy Melee made hit sound but dealt no damage

I've been experiencing the same. Typically when I experience something which could be attributed to latency I look to the replay, as it replays raw packet data from the server, and thus should be an unbiased representation of what occurred after the effects of latency.
What's unusual is every replay where this happens the person performing the melee gets the confirmation sound, while the person getting hit does not.

In the clip below my last heavy melee ends early due to contact with the Grey Talon; had the contact not occurred the forward momentum of the punch would've caused it to follow through and again make contact with the Grey Talon as they began to dash away. I believe this is legitimately a bug and not a latency issue.

Match ID 28895504:
Yeah been experiencing this a couple of times lately, even point blank after a parry, i've had a Bebop just not take dmg from my heavy melee attack.
Ya basically whatever changes they made to melee last patch, makes it as if the hero has iframes the moment they hit spacebar.
From 12-06-2024 Update
- Fixed melee damage audio playing despite no damage dealt
Hopefully this issue is now fixed! I'm away for the next week or so and won't be able to play. Please keep an eye out and post any further instances of the issue here!
From 12-06-2024 Update

Hopefully this issue is now fixed! I'm away for the next week or so and won't be able to play. Please keep an eye out and post any further instances of the issue here!
Dunno if it actually addresses this issue. It seems to address the random cases where you'd hear punches randomly on the map, with nothing actually happening, from the way i'm reading it. Rather than this fixing cases of someone not getting damaged.

The issue wasn't with audio - it was with characters very clearly being hit but not taking damage.
The issue wasn't with audio - it was with characters very clearly being hit but not taking damage.

Here's a quote from one of my responses above:
What's unusual is every replay where this happens the person performing the melee gets the confirmation sound, while the person getting hit does not.
There was absolutely an issue with audio when there was a melee which failed at the extremes of a melee's reach.

"damage audio playing despite no damage dealt" doesn't sound like they're discussing the phantom melee noises in which no punch existed at all. Besides I'm not sure I've actually heard the phantom melee in the past few days; I think it may have been fixed in a minor patch.