heavy melee hitbox


New member
The heavy melee hitbox seems to be bugged or way larger than intended, in practice range you can see that the distance at which a heavy melee can connect (shiv is standing where the heavy melee would end and still hit the dummy), and the height at which a melee can connect (the dummy must be lower and on the hood to get hit by a melee), despite these, Ive had matches where I get hit by melees that seemingly should miss, going back in the replay they very much look off. the first two screenshots are from match ID: 32276045, and happen in the laning phase, and the other one is in match ID: 32276807, late into laning, this one seems like it could be a legitimate hit, its much more borderline. It is worth nothing that all of these matches I had somewhere near 50 ping, no clue if that is a relevant factor in this or notimage_2025-01-26_151616442.pngimage_2025-01-26_151628072.pngimage_2025-01-26_151639873.pngimage_2025-01-26_151651129.pngimage_2025-01-26_151700157.png
I noticed the melee hitreg get weird when they introduced the ping normalization feature to help ping-disadvantaged players not lose every soul balloon.
I suspect the issue is ping related rather than hitbox related like you indicate in your post. I live in DFW, so in most games I have a very low ping. I have noticed punches land on me from meters away. Maybe that it is because the punch visually landed on the attacker's screen even though on mine I was far away. I am just speculating, I don't know any of this for sure.

For whatever it's worth this has been a problem for shooting games since their inception. I recall many Quake servers would reject players above a certain ping limit for that reason. As far as I can tell this problem is nigh unsolvable, unless you allow close regional servers, or private servers. Which don't seem to be viable for this game type.
Self-hosting could possibly help. If this game is, as I suspect, a highly modded tf2, then maybe the average joe's computer could handle self-hosting these days. It would require a complete redesign of the matchmaking system, however. And it would open the door to malicious hosts cheating or causing other problems.

There's really no good solution.
This happens so much and one of the ones i notice it the most on is Abrams. So many times ive been punched by an Abrams after ive dodged away and Im like how.

Could just be that Abrams players punch more often so that stands out more but its very frustrating.