Haze's Ult Impact in Spawn Areas - Need Balancing


New member
I've been playing Deadlock for a while now, and I've noticed a significant issue with Haze's ultimate when it's used in spawn areas. It’s incredibly frustrating to be taken out immediately after spawning, with no chance to react or counter. This feels not only unfair but also disrupts the overall flow of the game.

I understand that ultimates are meant to be powerful, but they should be balanced to ensure they don't create situations where players are eliminated in spawn zones with no way to defend themselves. This isn’t just an issue with Haze; other characters with similar mechanics can also abuse this, leading to a less enjoyable experience overall.

Given how responsive the developers have been in fixing bugs and improving other aspects of the game, I'm surprised this hasn't been addressed yet. I'd like to propose that the developers consider adjusting these ultimates to either reduce their effectiveness in spawn areas or introduce a brief invulnerability period upon respawn. This change could help maintain the competitive integrity of matches and ensure ultimates are impactful without being overly disruptive.

I’m curious to know if other players have experienced similar frustrations and what potential solutions could be considered. Developers, your input on this would be greatly appreciated.