Haze Ultimate interaction with bullets


New member
So I've seen on other forums/threads that Haze ult acts like a hitscan. However, if the game registers the ultimate as a bullet, it should not be able to travel through Paradox's time wall (Since that blocks "bullets"). Either it should be a hitscan that is not considered a "bullet" or "bullets" in an aoe that can get blocked/not work unlike a conventional bullet.
all of them already counter haze isnt it?

only paradox wall that isnt countering it since its not registered as bullet
OH, I may have misunderstood what you were saying. If so, I apologize! I interpreted what you said as Paradox's wall is the only option to counter the Haze ult.
OH, I may have misunderstood what you were saying. If so, I apologize! I interpreted what you said as Paradox's wall is the only option to counter the Haze ult.
yeah, i meant it for the other guy who complained if it changed into bullet type for its ult = unreliable, like theres no other changes except only adding paradox wall as its obstacle.
yeah, i meant it for the other guy who complained if it changed into bullet type for its ult = unreliable, like theres no other changes except only adding paradox wall as its obstacle.
I apologize for the confusion, and thank you for clearing it up for me! I appreciate it.