Haze ULT T3 Double Damage Bug


New member
Tested on the 9-14-24 update.
Haze's T3 upgrade for her ULT can cause both damage instances to target the same hero, resulting in insane DPS.
If a second target enters the range of the ULT, then immediately leaves (or dies), both damage instances will target the remaining hero until the duration of the ULT expires, or another target enters its range.

Here's some numbers. Everything was tested with no levels on Haze and ULT at T3. Total damage is from full ULT duration. All tests were done with no fixation stacks when the ULT was triggered.

Single Target (Dummy):
669 dmg (Dummy)

Two Targets (M&K + Dummy):
669 dmg (M&K)
669 dmg (Dummy)

Two Targets -> Single Target (M&K + Dummy):
14 dmg (M&K)
1411 dmg (Dummy)

Given that the T3 does not normally give double damage against a single target, I believe this is unintended behavior.
Here's what I think is happening. Haze's ULT always tries to split the damage instances evenly between all targets in range. When the T3 is unlocked, the game checks for the number of targets in range of the ULT, and if it's > 1, the second damage instance is activated, and it also tries to spread the damage evenly between all targets.

However, the game is not checking to see if the number of targets becomes < 2, so the second damage instance never gets disabled. Even though it's trying to split the damage evenly, if there's only 1 target, that's where all the damages goes.

A potential fix is to update the target number check to disable the second instance when targets < 2.