Haze ult doesn't trigger certain on-attack effects

Haze's ultimate Bullet Dance seems to selectively apply some on-attack effects, but not others.

Some of the effects that do get applied:
  • The bullet damage from Haze's third ability, Fixation.
  • The bleed build-up from Toxic Bullets.
  • The move speed slow from Slowing Bullets, Point Blank, Inhibitor, Silencer.
  • The reduced damage output from Inhibitor.
  • The silencing effect from Silencer.
  • The spirit amp from Soul Shredder Bullets.
  • The bullet ricochet from Ricochet.
  • The max health steal from Siphon Bullets.
  • The spirit from Spiritual Overflow (causes its own bug).
Some effects that do not get applied:
  • The heal from Medic Bullets.
  • The spirit damage from Mystic Shot and Tesla Bullets.
  • The bullet damage from Intensifying Magazine
  • The bullet damage multiplier from Lucky Shot.
  • The slow from Lucky Shot.
Some effects that do not get applied by the main bullets, but will get applied by bullets that ricochet:
  • The bullet resist from Escalating Resistance.
  • The fire rate from Burst Fire.
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It seems to me that the "one bullet" proc upgrades like medic bullet and mystic shot shouldn't be applied since bullet dance is a guaranteed hit which could be a bit unfair. This is very useful information though I wonder what intended design is.
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It seems to me that the "one bullet" proc upgrades like medic bullet and mystic shot shouldn't be applied since bullet dance is a guaranteed hit which could be a bit unfair. This is very useful information though I wonder what intended design is.
Their effects have cooldowns, so I think their bonuses would be negligible compared to other items that can benefit every bullet. Tesla Bullets seems like it would be very powerful, but I'm pretty sure it has a hidden cooldown of .5 seconds or so. It procs a lot less than 30% of the time when you have high fire rate.
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This bug is still present. It's quite major as it runs counter to most intuition a player would use in relation to item building around the ultimate. You can see in the video how much stronger merely shooting the target is vs. using the ultimate against it. There needs to be clear definition of what items do or do not affect the ultimate, as currently it seems that half of them arbitrarily do not.

Related to another Haze bug in relation to Lucky Shot.

