Haze ult causing vulkan memory overflow


New member
Running on RTX 3090 with driver version 565.90 and client in Vulkan mode.

The reproduction rate is roughly 30%

Casting Haze 4 freezes the window after the initial ramp-up, until after the cast is completed or cancelled. Checking the console after shows repeated attempts for video memory allocation failed.

[Client] Current tick is 76430, but we have received a message for tick 76438.  Processing all messages up to 76438 now.
[Client] Last server executed command is 75736 on tick 76438.  Duplicating command 75733 3x to catch up.  New outgoing command is 75736
[Client] Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 76438 - client tick 76424 = 14 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 6 = 9 )
[RenderSystem] CB: vkAllocateMemory failed for DEVICE_LOCAL memory indicating video memory is full, trying again in system memory as a fallback.
[RenderSystem] Previous allocation with memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits=0x3b was from heap 5 (propertyFlags: 0x7) with requested propertyFlags 0x7, trying in heap 3 (propertyFlags: 0x6) with requested propertyFlags 0x6.
[RenderSystem] CB: vkAllocateMemory failed for DEVICE_LOCAL memory indicating video memory is full, trying again in system memory as a fallback.
[RenderSystem] Previous allocation with memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits=0x3b was from heap 5 (propertyFlags: 0x7) with requested propertyFlags 0x7, trying in heap 3 (propertyFlags: 0x6) with requested propertyFlags 0x6.
... repeated

This issue seems to have been introduced by the 10.10.2024 patch.