Haze players are not incentivised to push objectives or to play with the team as her abilties both do not require help from other heroes to be strong, AND her abilties to not provide anything of use to the team. Haze as she stands is a selfish k/d focussed feast of famine hero, broken in low elo and either banned or not played in high elo at all. Similar to Valorants issues with Reyna, bad hero design causes bad gameplay.
There is currently only one way to play her to get worth out of her, and that is to afk farm all game until she can afford unstoppable and other 6k items, then wipe teams which have no way to curse or silence her before she presses 4 because she comes in invisible. This is an uninteresting gameplay both for the haze player and for their teammates and for the enemy team.
Her kit has no variability, there is no range to this hero, nor is there room for making interesting builds like there is for every other hero.
Haze players do not have a choice but to build the same 6k items and to spend 40minutes working towards an uncounterable endgame ult, because there is nothing else to build (eg for spirit, for support, for cc etc). You have created a 1 note character, which is build 1 specific way, to press 1 button and wipe a team. This goes against the nature of the complex strategy game you have created, with a constantly changing game meta and meta builds for each hero.
If/when a haze is not able to afford these items or doesnt have the experience to build these items, she is a huge deadweight and liability to her team, as she requires farming for most of the game, which takes souls away from the team that could be better used, and she is absent for early and mid game gameplay.
As i said, feast or famine. And no matter which is the case, a miserable gameloop for everyone involved.
Buffing her will cause a lot of problems and frustration, and nerfing her will make her unplayable and useless. Haze desperately needs a redesign of her abilities to have greater range to contribute to the team, and to allow for more creative style of gameplay, and builds.
Please consider redesigning Haze´s abilities.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your time
There is currently only one way to play her to get worth out of her, and that is to afk farm all game until she can afford unstoppable and other 6k items, then wipe teams which have no way to curse or silence her before she presses 4 because she comes in invisible. This is an uninteresting gameplay both for the haze player and for their teammates and for the enemy team.
Her kit has no variability, there is no range to this hero, nor is there room for making interesting builds like there is for every other hero.
Haze players do not have a choice but to build the same 6k items and to spend 40minutes working towards an uncounterable endgame ult, because there is nothing else to build (eg for spirit, for support, for cc etc). You have created a 1 note character, which is build 1 specific way, to press 1 button and wipe a team. This goes against the nature of the complex strategy game you have created, with a constantly changing game meta and meta builds for each hero.
If/when a haze is not able to afford these items or doesnt have the experience to build these items, she is a huge deadweight and liability to her team, as she requires farming for most of the game, which takes souls away from the team that could be better used, and she is absent for early and mid game gameplay.
As i said, feast or famine. And no matter which is the case, a miserable gameloop for everyone involved.
Buffing her will cause a lot of problems and frustration, and nerfing her will make her unplayable and useless. Haze desperately needs a redesign of her abilities to have greater range to contribute to the team, and to allow for more creative style of gameplay, and builds.
Please consider redesigning Haze´s abilities.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your time