Has anyone else experienced issues with dropping the urn consistently or receiving tactile feedback from pressing the 'drop the urn' button?


I made a private post about this some time ago, but this has had a serious effect on gameplay recently so I want to do a public sanity check.

Have other people experienced issues dropping the urn on the ground when needing to team fight? Urn not dropping, dropping slowly or no tactile feedback on button press?
  1. There is a considerable lack of feedback when dropping the urn. Consider the video attached. The video was recorded with 100 ping fakelag and 5% fake loss. Pressing the 'drop urn' button does not provide any feedback until the urn is already on the ground, which takes about a second to happen. The 'Drop Urn' button remains on screen for a whole second even if the urn is already being dropped, making it seem that the command was not processed (even though it was). What's worse is that ping delays the dropping animation further. This results in confusion about whether pressing the 'drop urn' button has resulted in the urn being dropped, especially in varying network environments.
  2. Additionally, because there is no client side feedback on whether the urn is being dropped - should the client suffer packet loss when dropping the urn (and feedback on the urn drop varies on ping) then there may be an indeterminate amount of time before the player realizes that the 'drop urn' command was swallowed by packet loss.
  3. Second video attached is the event that prompted me to make this post (match #12690593, 32:20). I basically lost an entire teamfight (and then the match) trying to Mo and Krill ultimate a Haze while carrying the urn, thinking I had already dropped it. I failed, and Haze proceeds to ultimate my team. I do not have a recording of the keyboard presses at the time but I clearly remember pressing 'E' in an attempt to drop the urn. I am not sure why it did not work, might have been packet loss - but there is no client feedback to pressing the 'drop the urn' button, therefore no way to tell. I recall this happening to me at least one more time in the past.
With other abilities, there is both client side and server side feedback for casting. If for some reason packet loss occurs, the animation for an ability begins and then 'resets', letting you know that packet loss happened. For the urn, feedback is almost entirely server authoritative - so you do not know whether the command to drop the urn has even been sent by your network until a second or two has already passed.
This post is partly a vent because this is the only part of Deadlock's controls that makes me genuinely uncomfortable. The amount of mental attention and time I have to devote to make sure that the urn has actually been dropped is very high compared to all others controls in the game. I enjoy doing objectives so this kind of sucks.


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This is my experience with dropping the urn too. In situations where a lot is going on and you can't look at elements of the UI too closely, it would be really nice to have an immediate signal that it has successfully been dropped.