Gun was bugged and unable to fire on match start

Virgin Bread

New member
Started a game as abrams. When I got to lane my gun had a crazy lighting glitch as if the gun had fired a bullet and the fire coming from the gun chamber was permanently happening. I couldn't shoot my gun the whole time.
After a minute of trying different things I alt-tab'ed briefly, and when I returned, the gun started firing and wouldn't stop.
I couldn't find a fix so I just quit the game.
Update: My gun was bugged in the next game as well. Still non-stop firing. Unplugged my mouse and it still didn't stop.
Was able to fix it by restarting my computer.
This was the first time I've had this bug happen.
Hey! It might help to include your system specs and what peripherals you're using (brand of your mouse, for example) and if you're running any a software engine for them. Just a suggestion. Good luck!