Gun Feel, Power, and Responsiveness


New member
Something that is underwhelming in this game is the gun feel. Most of the guns feel quite weak and not Responsive. An example of a nice feeling gun is the Thompson-like SMG of Wraith, it feels like it has real Power and Recoil, like I'm really shooting bullets out of the thing, but most of the guns lack that feeling. The game also lacks any powerful, long-ranged weapons. I speak for most when i say that a shooter game needs a Real Sniper Rifle, like a bolt-action with deadly accuracy and satisfying head-shots, Like that of the Sniper Rifle in TF2. It should be fun to just shoot the guns at standing targets. The game is also missing a Hand Cannon, like Counter-Strike's Deagle, I suggest a Big Iron that slowly fires big, heavy bullets, a sort of Head-Shot Machine for players who like fast, focused, heart-pounding gameplay.
Abrams and Lady Geist have pistol like weapons that pack punches and you really want a hero with a full-time, slow, bolt-action weapon?

Maybe there could be a hero with a transformative weapon, so like they have a toggle-able ability with a small cool-down and transition time, where they switch from something close-quarters (e.g. shotgun or small pistol) to a longer range weapon (e.g. bolt-action rifle). Their base weapon damage and mag sizes could be different in the different modes.
Made this account just to make this point. The graphic-and-sound design is phenomenal, but the weapons themselves all feel like underwhelming peashooters. Why are they all burst/automatic with absolutely no "oomph" to them? It's the exact opposite of the majority TF2's weapons. Lady Gheist has the only single-shot weapon in the game and even that feels underwhelming to use.

Since it's your main way of damage output it just makes most of the heroes feel the same, and most engagements are boring tickle-fights where the only thing that actually matters is using abilities to stun heroes so you and your teammates can tickle them to death.

Before anyone talks about adding new heroes, weapons or abilities to the game: Make the heroes we have now actually satisfying to use, this should be top priority otherwise the game as a whole will bomb like most team-based shooters.
More unique weaopns & more weapon diverstiy are definitely needed. The risk / reward of laning with slower-firing weapons can absolutely be balanced.

But, given that we're randomly assigned lanes, does this game really need a primary weapon that's a sniper? Even a decent Vindicta vs a short-ranged lane partner has a big advantage.

Vindicta's sniper shot will execute anyone below 45% HP if she's not under-levelled, I really recommend trying to get good with her. Now that i'm getting the hang of her, I think a full sniper character is redundant and too hard to balance.
Honestly it feels fine? I think the more powerful and rough you make the weapons sound, the more the game becomes noisy and the game is already insanely busy. I don't think changing the sounds is a good idea because the would be such a bad sonic experience but maybe other changes would be nice.
Gun feel seems fine to me and this post just seems to be asking for snipers and close range snipers. I would really rather not have either of those because sniper characters are always the worse thing in the universe to face against because it's high reward with no risk at all and the hand cannon headshot machine idea will either be OP or UP because it will either be balanced around great players that hit everyshot or the average player that misses a fair amount.
Made this account just to make this point. The graphic-and-sound design is phenomenal, but the weapons themselves all feel like underwhelming peashooters. Why are they all burst/automatic with absolutely no "oomph" to them? It's the exact opposite of the majority TF2's weapons. Lady Gheist has the only single-shot weapon in the game and even that feels underwhelming to use.

Since it's your main way of damage output it just makes most of the heroes feel the same, and most engagements are boring tickle-fights where the only thing that actually matters is using abilities to stun heroes so you and your teammates can tickle them to death.

Before anyone talks about adding new heroes, weapons or abilities to the game: Make the heroes we have now actually satisfying to use, this should be top priority otherwise the game as a whole will bomb like most team-based shooters.
Making guns more powerful would change the dynamic of the landing phase and the importance of souls tho, personally I want kills to be more rewarding , more souls, make it a reason why people shouldn’t “feed” in laning
Something that is underwhelming in this game is the gun feel. Most of the guns feel quite weak and not Responsive. An example of a nice feeling gun is the Thompson-like SMG of Wraith, it feels like it has real Power and Recoil, like I'm really shooting bullets out of the thing, but most of the guns lack that feeling. The game also lacks any powerful, long-ranged weapons. I speak for most when i say that a shooter game needs a Real Sniper Rifle, like a bolt-action with deadly accuracy and satisfying head-shots, Like that of the Sniper Rifle in TF2. It should be fun to just shoot the guns at standing targets. The game is also missing a Hand Cannon, like Counter-Strike's Deagle, I suggest a Big Iron that slowly fires big, heavy bullets, a sort of Head-Shot Machine for players who like fast, focused, heart-pounding gameplay.

i'm a certified mcginnis minigun enjoyer and while i get what you're generally saying, i disagree about the bolt-action sniper bit - we have Vindicta with a DMR already. gun distance dropoff is pretty important in this game and i think that vindicta is pretty reasonably tuned around that.

geist's pistol can be built for huge headshots. GT's bow can be built for this. etc.

also like - i dunno, snipers in games are Fun To Play As but really hard to balance and design around. snipers don't really fit that well in teamfighty stuff. i think more DMR-like guns would be good - bolt-action sniper rifles would be _fucking awful_ at laning and securing minion souls, and you would suffer pretty heavily against a competent lane opponent who knows sightlines.
i'm a certified mcginnis minigun enjoyer and while i get what you're generally saying, i disagree about the bolt-action sniper bit - we have Vindicta with a DMR already. gun distance dropoff is pretty important in this game and i think that vindicta is pretty reasonably tuned around that.

geist's pistol can be built for huge headshots. GT's bow can be built for this. etc.

also like - i dunno, snipers in games are Fun To Play As but really hard to balance and design around. snipers don't really fit that well in teamfighty stuff. i think more DMR-like guns would be good - bolt-action sniper rifles would be _fucking awful_ at laning and securing minion souls, and you would suffer pretty heavily against a competent lane opponent who knows sightlines.
Couldn’t this be a reason to add someone duoing in your lane as a support? To add the dynamic?