Grey Talon ulti not patched?


New member
Did they revert the change to grey talons Ulti because it still seems to be 12m not 13 and their doesn't seem to be a buffer window on his spirit gain for ulti, it seems fine if he kills the hero with a follow up powershot but I am not sure it is working properly when someone else kills them. This was change was made in the 09-26-2024 Update and I can't find anything since that mentions it being reverted but in game his tool tip definitely says the radius is still 12m.

Also as I was testing the ulti out in sand box I noticed what might be a bug more me miss understanding something. The tier 3 of his ulti says that after the bird hits it instantly kills heroes with less than 22% hp. I had interpreted this to mean after it does the damage but is this supposed to be before it applies damage. Because in sand box it repeatedly failed to kill heroes that ended up way lower that 22% hp after it hit.
I have done a bit more testing and you definitely only get the extra spirit on the ulti if you then get the kill within 3 seconds. If someone else the kill, even if you get an assist, it won't give you a stack. Is this intentional or a bug.

we tested the mechanic with Mo & Krill as well and he gets his stack even if he only gets an assist within the 3 second buffer.