Grey talon trap visual bug

Match 7187545
Time: 19:15 local
Match time: 4:01
After laying down a trap and retreating to base the traps area graphics persisted throughout the match. Trap was not sprung but expired.


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I play a lot of Grey Talon (if you couldn't tell by my profile). This is very much still and frequently a thing. I see these ghost traps pretty much every game. I have no idea what causes it though.
I play a lot of Grey Talon (if you couldn't tell by my profile). This is very much still and frequently a thing. I see these ghost traps pretty much every game. I have no idea what causes it though.
I've seen this happening with buffs and dropped souls and whatnot, too. A few of the particle effects(?) seem to bug out and persist from time to time. I wonder what causes this. 🤔