Grey Talon rain of arrows x5 damage


It's hard to tell, but i'm pretty sure it's a bug. Usually when you're shooting with the second ability only one arrow out of five can damage enemy, but if you're close enough to hit the enemy before arrows split you'll deal x5 damage.
It would make sense if you could also deal x2 or x3 damage when hitting an enemy with two or three arrows, but it only works in super close range when hitting all 5. It's quite abusable, allowing you to farm t3 jungle creeps super early and push towers with absurd damage

As you can see in the video it can solo a t3 creep without any items 1719441826816.png1719441817715.png


Also it's quite fun trying to find a way to hit a target with multiple arrows. I think it should totally be a feature to allow for talon shotgun builds, but the numbers should obviously be adjusted