[Grey Talon] Charged Shot able to collide with enemies behind thin surfaces


Also posted here, with visual examples: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/threads/any-character-able-to-shoot-behind-walls-in-lane.11719/

Grey Talon's skill 'Charged Shot' is able to collide with enemies behind walls and thin surfaces.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Locate a thin wall (the statue cover facing mid in all guardians is a thin enough structure)
2. Get an enemy to stand close to the wall, preferably stationary (the statue cover at guardians is exceptionally effective, as the effect is reproducible in-game by throwing a trap at the front of the statue and baiting an enemy behind the wall.
3. Shoot at the wall from the other side, roughly where the enemy is.

It's quite consistent, and could just be a collision or hitbox intersection error. I have only been able to reproduce it a few times in real games, and it's otherwise an insignificant gameplay bug. Wondering if anyone else also has had this happen?