Grey Talon- Can't cancel Charged Shot after patch


New member
After today's patch there is no feasible way to cancel grey talon's charged shot and it really interferes with a fluid playstyle.

I also got used to space bar cancelling abilities in general and it feels more natural than the current patch. For example, on GT I frequently use his 2 ability followed by spacebar to cancel and fluidly move through the map when evading enemies. Its a bit more awkward not having access to all the directional keys when doing this now, because I have to keep a finger on the "2" button longer.

It may be best to have a bindable "cancel ability" key if that is possible, altho can understand it may be problematic with the dual purpose of spacebar to jump/mantle
Abrams is also having issues. When you're silenced, you need to spam, and let's say you need the second skill, or the skill is on cooldown, so you're spamming the 2 button. In this update, after pressing the skill, you accidentally press 2 again because you're spamming, and you end up accidentally canceling the skill. The cancel on the spacebar was much better.