Grey Talon’s Trap


New member
I personally think Grey Talon’s immobilizing trap should have health and be destroyable after being shot a certain amount of times after a certain period of time like 3-5 seconds (only if it is not engaged and simply deployed on the ground). While I do not currently know how long the trap lasts, I think it is just a rather large area to be cut off for a long time while having no other counter play aside from staying outside of it or building the anti-crowcontrol item. Perhaps even just the range should be adjusted.
So after <=1/4 of it's duration you want it to be breakable? The trap only lasts 20 seconds without modifiers. This suggestion seems a bit harsh to Talon's kit.
I think any kit re-work suggestions should be given in the private forums, otherwise you'll just get a lot of gray talon fans mad lol
Oh, I didn’t know. I mean people can respond how they want since I already posted and I can’t delete :(
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So after <=1/4 of it's duration you want it to be breakable? The trap only lasts 20 seconds without modifiers. This suggestion seems a bit harsh to Talon's kit.
Well it could take a longer time to become breakable like 5-10 seconds so that would be half and it can also have health like McGinnis Turret so it would still take some time to break > So it is at least a damage trade that Grey Talon could get while the enemy is distracted with doing that etc. The 20 seconds just feels really long for me that I can do nothing about aside from avoid it I guess. I don’t think it’s the worst thing if it were breakable and it wouldn’t even have to provide any soul like McGinnis Turret.
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I personally think Grey Talon’s immobilizing trap should have health and be destroyable after being shot a certain amount of times after a certain period of time like 3-5 seconds (only if it is not engaged and simply deployed on the ground). While I do not currently know how long the trap lasts, I think it is just a rather large area to be cut off for a long time while having no other counter play aside from staying outside of it or building the anti-crowcontrol item. Perhaps even just the range should be adjusted.