Greedy Daze [vitality item] or Sinners Snare [spirit item]


New member
1250 Soul Item

For both:
Active - Place fake soul bag where you are standing when picked up by an enemy they are stunned
(uses unsecured souls to make bag that gets placed. Only half will be shown as what the bag is worth. 500 minimum. [if item is used at 500 unsecured souls a bag worth 250 will be placed at players feet] the higher the amount the longer the stun.)
Passive - unsecured souls are secured 20% faster

For Greedy Daze For Sinners Snare
+ 100 bonus health + 12 spirit power
+ 3 health regen + 2 move speed

I feel like there should be some sort of play around the bags that lie on the floor. If you are paying attention to them popping up on the map or paying attention during team fights then you should be able to tell which are fake and real. They shouldn't look any different or maybe at least very SLIGHTLY different.