GLaDOS as a Voice Pack for Deadlock ( After the Alpha)


New member
Hey everyone,

Who else would love to see GLaDOS from Portal as a voice pack in Deadlock? Just imagine it: the iconic, sarcastic voice that tormented us all in the test chambers, now guiding you through your Deadlock battles! Whether she’s mocking you for every mistake or dryly commenting on how “unsuccessful” your last attack was – it would be epic.

GLaDOS has that perfect mix of cold precision and dark humor that could make Deadlock’s gameplay even more intense and entertaining. Plus, she’s one of the coolest and most unforgettable AI characters ever.

What do you think? Who else would love to see the developers bring GLaDOS into the game as a voice pack?
I wanted to suggest the same. Like Dota 2 where you can change the Announcer and Megakill Annoucner. GLaDOS for Sapphire Flame Patron would be so Dope!

"Perform the ritual, and make yourself useful for once."
"Good job team, your blue walker is dead."

This would be a great way to monetize the game on Valve's end too as they can always release new voicelines and collabs. Imagine a Kratos Amber Patron, Hmmmm??? Or Stanley Parable Narrator Patron, ye?