Getting Low Priority Queue after a bot match


New member
I played a bot match with a friend, and after it ended (during the scoreboard), I left. Once I returned to the main menu, I saw the 'Behavior Summary' tab, showing 4 games left in Low Priority Queue along with a 1:30-hour ban.

Now I'm not sure if these penalties are going to stay on my account, and if I'll be forced to play 4 full games in this queue.

Is there a solution to this? Will it keep happening?
Dota 2 was plagued by a similar issue for almost a decade (perhaps it still exists?). The coordinator registers leaving before registering the completion of the game. It seems to occur when the coordinator goes down somewhere around your match ending.

Yes, you will have to play those games unfortunately. And no, considering this has been a known bug in Dota 2 I highly suspect this will not get fixed anytime soon for Deadlock either (assuming the backends are similar).