General bluescreens in teamfights

Jazzy Josh

Approximately every 2-3 games I'll end up blue screening at some portion of a teamfight. Seems to happen more often when Seven is in the match, but perhaps it is related to my hardware setup as well?

I have three Dell U2415 monitors daisy chained to a single output on my XFX Radeon 6800 XT card. I move the Deadlock window to the middle monitor (second in the chain) while I play. I mention this because I don't believe this is a very common setup vs single chains or individual outputs. Happy to post any memory dumps if y'all think it would be helpful or feel this is unrelated to the game and is some sort of general hardware issue.
Check the error-code in event viewer. If you aren't too familiar with Event Viewer, go to 'View Reliability History' in Windows. You should have an event around the time you crashed and it will help you give an idea what sort of error it is.
You can click one of these events and right-click view technical details. Windows isn't super good at providing info but it can at least help you narrow things down.
Thanks, I did check Event Viewer and attached the Kernel Debugger to one of the dumps but that didn't really reveal much to me. Will check that app as well.

Really planned to rebuild this machine but components shot up about 6 months ago ;)