Game "Turned Green" And Disconnected, Then Left The Player In The Lobby Area


New member
Match ID: 28534543

Description: When the game counted down to start and reached 0 my friend the Vindicta player's game turned green - the UI and all textures were green - and they were disconnected from the server, but not on their end, It just looked like things froze.

When they pressed disconnect the main menu was fine. They rejoined the match but were still In the lobby area whilst everyone else was on the transit lines.

They jumped off of the lobby area and were then put Into one of the edge lane teleporters.

I've heard you can get out by opening the console (F7) and running the command "killme", I believe. The suicide/stuck buttons don't work. Only other way to fix it afaik is having the enemy team kill them, or waiting out the timer and losing lane