Game Randomly Freezing And Crashing Whole Computer; Freezing Menus


New member
Since day one, the game will randomly freeze before causing my while computer to freeze without recognizing it's crashed (no blue screen.) It just sits there, no sound, no visuals, even sound from other applications stops working entirely. I've left it sitting there for multiple hours once, it just sat there, frozen on whatever screen the game decided my computer needed to die.

The game will just randomly decide that I'm not allowed to play deadlock for the next 5 hours, with the crash causing some issue that requires me to go through the 10+ minute startup sequence for my computer alongside a 2+ hour long game file integrity check that finds nothing wrong before it allows me to boot the game up. Sometimes, there's an event that happens beforehand. Most recently, it crashed when Infernus ulted; another time, it happened when I got Lash ulted; once, it happened when I opened shop. Over half the time, I'm just sitting in lane or farming a jungle camp, doing nothing in particular, and boom. No more computer for me for the next 10 minutes, no more deadlock for the next multiple hours.

GPU temps never go above 56C, and I have lowered my graphics qualities specifically to help keep them down.

The SSD that the game's on has almost 100 free GB.

Until the freeze, CPU usage is below 50%.

Until the freeze, I have a completely smooth 60 FPS, zero frame drops.

Though, I can't be sure any of that changes at the time of the crash, since, you know, can't do anything on my computer at that time.

This is, at minimum, the 12th time the game has just decided, on its own, with no input from me, to make me unable to use my computer or play the game.

Additionally, the game takes forever to allow me to use the main menu that you load into when you start the game. If I wait a few seconds after getting to the main menu, attempting to even enter the settings menu will cause the game to unrecoverably freeze if I don't wait at least 30 minutes to do so. No one I've talked to has had this problem, the game just decides to take a trillion years to fully load up everything it needs to allow me to use the menu. Sometimes, it actually lets me use the menus for a few seconds before it enables click-to-freeze mode.

In click-to-freeze mode, attempting to even click any menu button or hover over any hero selection will cause the game to freeze until I restart it, even if I let it sit there for multiple hours.

In the few times I've managed to start a game before it fully realizes it has some code running on the CPU, the game works better than when I just let it sit there. If I'm not fast enough, I have to wait the full 30+ minutes to input my first click in the menu without freezing the game. If I am fast enough and manage to load a sandbox before it enables click-to-freeze mode, the game runs butter smooth. I can leave the sandbox after being in it for only a few seconds and the menus will run without freezing the game.

Sometimes, though not very often, the first game I play each session will also enable click-to-freeze mode after it ends, after the transition to the post-game stats menu. This happens maybe once a week, if that.

It's crazy that, beyond the random crashes mentioned above, the 2D menus are less optimized than the 3D graphics of the game. I legitimately do not know how it's possible for something that could be an Electron app or web page can cause the whole game to freeze while actively rendering multiple 3D models and tons of particles can run completely smoothly.