Game play and other feedback threads locked?


New member
Hi all, I know this isn't the right board to ask this but are the gameplay and other general boards private for everyone and will be unlocked at a later date, or does it just say that for me because I haven't posted enough or been active enough?

Sorry to post off topic but I can't really ask this anywhere else. Could there maybe be a general discussion board as well?
To my understanding those boards are there to give feedback/ideas/etc privately to the developers, as you can make posts but no one without permissions can view them. I do agree we should get some general discussion boards for these topics as well
Oh my God, I'm dumb. You're right, I can make threads in them 🤦. I suppose the Discord is for general discussion but it would be cool if there was a board on here as well.

Thanks for pointing that out though!
Yeah, in the instructions section, they mention it's so other people's feedback doesn't mess with yours.

"It is very important to only discuss details or share opinions about the game through these forums, we want to avoid other testers being influenced by discussions of others, so we can see what everyone thinks on their own. All the posts in the feedback sections are only visible to other developers, and not to other playtesters."