Game hitches when using analog input


New member
I like to use keyboard and mouse, but also use analog for movement. Whenever I use analog movement, the game now thinks I am using a controller so all of the prompts change to XBOX buttons which is fine. However, the prompts change back to keyboard prompts when I use keyboard/mouse inputs, so as I play the game it constantly switches back and forth which causes a small hitch every single time.

It is just a brief microlag but it is very noticeable since it happens constantly

I wish there was a way for me to turn off the switch to xbox control prompts
I joined the forum specifically for this bug; a hitch whenever I click is brutal when trying to aim.
To reproduce:
  1. Plug in both a controller and mouse.
  2. Bind an analog stick to movement.
  3. Open the Sandbox.
  4. Hold any direction on that analog stick.
  5. Click the mouse repeatedly while looking around.
  6. Notice that the camera hitches with every mouse button press/release, and the Server CPU peak % gets very high (even 110% on my computer).
Success! I've found that setting citadel_use_ui_keybindings false works to prevent it from swapping back to PC UI prompts, though need to then manually set binds like bind mouse1 +attack, bind mouse2 +attack2, etc. More awkward than using the UI though, and won't work for hero-specific binds, so would still very much appreciate this getting fixed with a cvar or something.
having the same issue, being able to disable steam input and still use dual analog/keyboard input would be optimal, but a cvar to force either controller or keyboard ui would accomplish the same goal of making it playable
I play using a controller and found a way around this problem by setting the steam inputs to use the keyboard version of the binds (i.e. using mouse 1 click instead of steam input "Fire" on my right trigger.) For the analog stick, just set it to use the directional pad setting and set the movements to the WASD keys. You can then go to the settings of the directional pad and set to "act like analog" or something like that (It's been a while can't remember the exact wording steam input uses but it makes it identical to using the normal analog movement.) This is a game changer though because those micro stutters basically made playing on controller unbearable.
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This is still an issue, and becoming worse as more situational binds like fly up/down get added. Could we please get a convar or something to force keyboard/controller UI icons, and/or fix the lag issue when it switches icon sets? (Of course being able to set controller binds without steam input would be nice too.)
This is still an issue, and becoming worse as more situational binds like fly up/down get added. Could we please get a convar or something to force keyboard/controller UI icons, and/or fix the lag issue when it switches icon sets? (Of course being able to set controller binds without steam input would be nice too.)
SteamDeck's controller relies on SteamInput, but the benefit there is that we also catch all sorts of other controllers that a dev would normally have to manually write support for.

Ideally, you won't have to do all these work arounds mentioned above once the SteamInput actions have parity with all the keyboard binds.

Looking into some options for forcing glyphs, though. Hopefully not more than a day's work.
> Looking into some options for forcing glyphs, though. Hopefully not more than a day's work.
Yeah it happened to be easy.

Expect it next patch.
SteamDeck's controller relies on SteamInput, but the benefit there is that we also catch all sorts of other controllers that a dev would normally have to manually write support for.

Ideally, you won't have to do all these work arounds mentioned above once the SteamInput actions have parity with all the keyboard binds.

Looking into some options for forcing glyphs, though. Hopefully not more than a day's work.
Thank you so so much!!

Steam input's main lack right now is per-hero action sets/layers, but not being able to open the ingame keybinds menu while steam input is enabled is also frustrating. For example right now the lack of fly up/down actions means having to set steam input to send a keypress, but also we can't change the ingame fly up/down button (or even see which it is) without closing, disabling steam input, reopening... Should be fine though without ingame controller binding assuming those get fixed at some point, yeah.
AFAIK libSDL's controller detection is really good considering even Wine defaults to it, but also just saw; unfortunate.
For example right now the lack of fly up/down actions means having to set steam input to send a keypress, but also we can't change the ingame fly up/down button (or even see which it is) without closing, disabling steam input, reopening... Should be fine though without ingame controller binding assuming those get fixed at some point, yeah.
I've removed a few of the "SteamDeck Only" behaviors if that's what you're talking about? Next release you should be able to see normal keybinds even on SteamDeck.

I've added every bind I can find to the steam input manifest so that it's available. It's possible that some aren't available in some action sets, but should be. I definitely tested Fly Up/Fly Down (and the spectator and replay variants, respectively). So those should be available to you.

Note: sometimes when the steam input manifest has been updated, your existing config clings to a copy of the old manifest. You'll find that your list of actions is out of date, and doesn't update until you exit and re-enter the steam configurator.

I will try to see what we can do about improving that, but it's a steam issue, so it tends to take a lot longer to roll out those fixes.
I've removed a few of the "SteamDeck Only" behaviors if that's what you're talking about? Next release you should be able to see normal keybinds even on SteamDeck.

I've added every bind I can find to the steam input manifest so that it's available. It's possible that some aren't available in some action sets, but should be. I definitely tested Fly Up/Fly Down (and the spectator and replay variants, respectively). So those should be available to you.

Note: sometimes when the steam input manifest has been updated, your existing config clings to a copy of the old manifest. You'll find that your list of actions is out of date, and doesn't update until you exit and re-enter the steam configurator.

I will try to see what we can do about improving that, but it's a steam issue, so it tends to take a lot longer to roll out those fixes.
Thank you so much! Just fyi, seems controller detection depends on Steam Overlay being enabled now? Also had to redo my input config, but after those everything is working perfectly!