Game hangs/freezes frequently, but inconsistently


New member
Yesterday I was able to run through the tutorials OK, and then tried a private bot match. I found it would usually freeze within seconds of the match starting, eventually bringing up the "Project8.exe is not responding" box if I didn't close it with task manager first. Sometimes a match will go on a bit longer before freezing - the timing always seems random. Eventually, after playing with graphics settings, changing renderer, full screen/windowed etc, I found that I was able to play without any more freezes.
Today, it's doing the same thing again, except no amount of fiddling with settings seems to cure it. I was able to spectate matches for a while, but then not long after I started another bot match it went back to freezing. I'm wondering if it's something to do with bots. I haven't tried joining a game with other players yet, because I'm a bit wary of ruining it for them if my game is just going to hang.
Presumably Valve are collecting telemetry data from players, but are there any logs I should submit or what have you?
Also I've tried all the usual stuff like validating game files, updating drivers, rebooting etc

Match ID 46064 hung at 01:59 PDT after a few mins
Match ID 46092 hung at 02:04 PDT after about a minute
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